This is a Python package intended to help with automation of video editing.
See the docs site at
- Build the Docker image. It will take a while. Final image will be huge, ~10-15 GB.
docker-compose build
- Install the helper script.
sudo ./scripts/
- Run pkvid in a directory with
cd your-project
Run the test suite:
docker-compose run dev pytest
Run integration test:
docker-compose run dev pkvid test/integration/pkvid.yaml
Get a shell:
docker-compose run dev bash
These are old guides - leaving them here in case they're useful at some point.
This package is not meant to be installed in a regular Python environment. Instead, you must install it from the Python that is embedded in Blender.
- Find the path to Blender's embedded Python.
cd $(dirname $(which blender))
In my case, I was able to find it at the following path: /opt/blender/blender-3.1.2-linux-x64/3.1/python/bin/python3.10
Let's save this path for use in later steps.
# replace with the path you found:
export BLENDER_PYTHON=/opt/blender/blender-3.1.2-linux-x64/3.1/python/bin/python3.10
- Ensure that pip is installed.
$BLENDER_PYTHON -m ensurepip
$BLENDER_PYTHON -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install pkvid from pypi.
$BLENDER_PYTHON -m pip install pkvid
Same process, but for the last step, run this instead:
$BLENDER_PYTHON -m pip install -e .
blender -b -P pkvid/ test/sample_config.json
Building Blender from scratch: