A library to simplify implementation of annotation processors which delegate to annotated components. This processor allows delegation based on implemented interfaces rather than the annotation concrete class itself. This allows arbitrarily many wrappers based on annotations found on the implementation class, where requiring the concrete implementation would allow at most one wrapper.
Concretely, this allows us to generate wrappers for a type along the lines of:
public final class MyResource implements MyService, Closeable {
public void ping() {}
public void close() throws IOException {}
And generate a wrapper taking the form:
public final class MyResourceWrapper<T extends MyService & Closeable>
implements MyService, Closeable {
private final T delegate;
public static <T extends MyService & Closeable> MyResourceWrapper<T> of(T input) {
return new MyResourceWrapper<>(input);
MyResourceWrapper(T delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void ping() {
// etc...
Extend the DelegateProcessor
, providing a DelegateProcessorStrategy
to the super constructor.
public final class PrintingProcessor extends DelegateProcessor {
public PrintingProcessor() {
public enum PrintingProcessorStrategy implements DelegateProcessorStrategy {
public Set<String> supportedAnnotations() {
return Set.of(Delegate.class.getName());
public String generatedTypeName(String annotatedTypeName) {
return "Printing" + annotatedTypeName;
public Optional<CodeBlock> before(DelegateMethodArguments arguments) {
return Optional.of(CodeBlock.builder()
public Optional<CodeBlock> onSuccess(DelegateMethodArguments _arguments, Optional<LocalVariable> result) {
CodeBlock.Builder builder = CodeBlock.builder();
variable -> {
builder.addStatement("System.out.println($N)", variable.name());
() -> {
return Optional.of(builder.build());
public Optional<CodeBlock> onFailure(DelegateMethodArguments _arguments, LocalVariable throwable) {
return Optional.of(CodeBlock.builder()
.addStatement("$N.printStackTrace()", throwable.name())
public Optional<CodeBlock> alwaysAfter(DelegateMethodArguments _arguments) {
return Optional.of(CodeBlock.builder()
.addStatement("System.out.println($S)", "done")
public void customize(CustomizeArguments arguments, TypeSpec.Builder generatedType) {
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC)
.map(spec -> ParameterSpec.builder(spec.type, spec.name).build())
"return new $T($L)",
.map(spec -> CodeBlock.of("$N", spec.name))
.collect(CodeBlock.joining(", ")))
Add a META-INF/gradle/incremental.annotation.processors
resource to allow gradle incremental builds contents.
This processor delegates to another type, so it's safe to use the ISOLATING
Add a service-loader file either by writing the file yourself, or using the AutoService
annotation processor.
./gradlew tasks
- to get the list of gradle tasks
Run one of the following commands:
./gradlew idea
for IntelliJ./gradlew eclipse
for Eclipse