Who am I?
The funny thing is that I don't know =)
I did a lot of things, some of them you can find in repositories, best of them not.
Some of them are boring, some of them not. But you know, i'e understood one thing.
I'e riched a point when it becames not so much important for me what i have to do.
Like if someone ask me to create a web site - i will just say "how much are you
ready to pay?". If someone ask me to create a mobile app - i will also say "how
much?". If someone ask me to create some work in 3D Game - i will also ask
"how much?".
I'e tried a lot of things. I'e created web sites on native languages like html,css,js,jq..
i'e tried to use frameworks like React/Redux. I'e created web-servers and rest APIs on
python using flask or django, on nodejs using express with mysql/sqlite/postgress. I'e
created a lot of different bots on different languages, usually it is nodejs or python.
Bots that are still working =). I'e studied math, studied AI systems and tried
to write some optimization algorithms like stochastic gradient descents, ADAM and etc.
Ofcourse as an every self-respecting programmer i'e tried to create own language
compilator (i'e used Java for that purposes). I'e created more than 30 projects in
DayZ 3D Game. Each one is still working without any updates. If you are common with
DayZ, you understand why am i so proud of it... =)
I don't really think, that it is a good quality, but i'm a person who can dive until
the task won't be finished. For example, when i'e decided that i need a web-site
(rfgames.pro), i did it in 4 days... html,css,js,nodejs,sql,mysql,jwt,steam-auth,
discord-auth,paypal and etc. 90% of work was done in only 4 days of life while i was just
moving by car and by plane from one country to enother...
If you are still here, reading this lines, checking the web-site and getting question like
"why are there no pages like auth, cart and etc...?". So note, i'm not an idiot to publish so
important things with out 100% sure it is safe. I don't have any experience in cyber security
(yes, this says a person with 1 year of Master degree in cyber security xD) and i'e never
worked in any company. So i have an opportuinity not to see something, that's why i'm taking a
time to out all the bugs by myself and my friends and fix it before publish... =).
And here you can see my good quality, may be, in somehow.. I prefer to do any work like
ten out of ten. And I hate it and i just can't publish an unfinished work... May be that's
why all my works in DayZ are made not so fast, but considered the best of the best...? =)
And i forgot to say about IOS. I'e started studying 2.5 years ago. I really like that sphere,
and i'e found ton of infomation exact in that sphere... I believe, that swift i know much better
then other languages... but "thanks" god it dies in my country... i'e studied in yandex IOS
mobile school, and i think i was good... And even if it doesn't give any reasons to hire me,
i'e met one person i had to met, that's why i'm not regret about spent time.
So... who am I? =)
Mods are not free, contact me in my Discord
Or visit my web site