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Releases: paudetseis/RfPy


30 Jan 21:56
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This release is a major update from v0.0.1 and fixes installation issues from numpy.distutils.

RfPy: Teleseismic receiver function calculation and post-processing

02 Dec 20:22
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This is the first beta release of RfPy, which uses version 0.2.0 of StDb.

RfPy is a software for teleseismic receiver function calculation and post-processing. There are various scripts bundled with this package that automate the process of calculating the RFs, plot them in various ways, perform H-k processing, harmonic decomposition, and CCP stacking. It is also possible to re-calculate RFs using different processing options. The main script queries public-domain archives (e.g., IRIS, to extract seismograms, but can also look for data archived locally on the computer.

Check out the documentation for the most up-to-date instructions on how to install the code and run the various examples:


24 Jun 00:18
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RfPy is a software to calculate single event-station receiver functions from the spectral deconvolution technique. Methods are available to post-process the receiver function data to calculate H-k stacks, back-azimuth harmonics and common-conversion-point (CCP) imaging. The code uses the StDb package for querying and building a station database and can be used through command-line scripts.