Plugin that saves data to an influxdbv2 database - buffers data without internet connection
The plugin is designed to do batch writes to a cloud hosted influxdb2.0 data base. The Plugin now uses the library. If the conenction to the influxdb is down the batch of metrics should be buffered and re uploaded when the internet connection is re-established
It is storing the metrics in the following format eg:
propulsion.port.transmission.oilPressure = 30.0
navigation.position.latitude = -19.26
The field is always 'value'
Currently the pulgin is only supporting all paths that have a numrical value (also position and attitude).
the url to your cloud hosted influxb2.0
the token for your cloud hosted influxb2.0 bucket
your influxdb2.0 organistion
typically your email
which bucket you are storing the metrics in
the absolute path to the directory where you want to store your buffer, ensure there is no trailing / at the end
the maximum points/line to send in a single batch to InfluxDB server
maximum time in millis to keep points in an unflushed batch, 0 means don't periodically flush
maximum size of the retry buffer - it contains items that could not be sent for the first time
maximum delay between retries in milliseconds
maximum delay between retries in milliseconds
minimum delay between retries in milliseconds
a random value of up to retryJitter is added when scheduling next retry
an array of default tags to add to every point
Name of the tag
Value of the tag