- Ruby 2.5.1
The Knapsack Problem is a famous problem in the computer science, being the Binary Knapsack Problem the most famous one and the one studied in this repository. An instance of this problems receives a weight capacity for a knapsack and a list of items. Each one of these items has a value and a weight. The questios aproached by the problem is what is the greatest value that the knapsack can carrie?
The solution implemented here makes use of dynamic programming. This méthod is based on the ideia of optimal substructure, wich means the following: if the problem A
is contained in B
, then the best solution for the problem A
is contained in the best solution for the problem B
This implementation uses a matrix with number of items
rows and knapsack_capacity + 1
columns to save the solutions for the subproblems.
Clone this repository and go to the new folder. Having the correct version of ruby installed, run bundle install
Run rake console:open
to open the console with all the lib files included.
To run unit test, use the command bundle exec rspec