- Added lighting options to the in-process viewer.
- Fixed frame initialization issues with the in-process viewer.
- Added missing dependencies to package.xml.
- Added incude guards as workaround for a Moc bug (#29)
- Contributors: Chris Dellin, Michael Koval, Matt Klingsmith
- fix frame name /map -> map to work with update
- Contributors: Clint Liddick
- Changed cylinder radius to match InteractiveMarker spec.
- Added a "Hide IK Controls" option to the ghost arm
- Snap the IK handle when using "Reset DOF Values".
- Updated CHANGELOG.
- Renamed package in CHANGELOG.
- Renamed or_interactivemarker to or_rviz.
- Update the test.py script.
- Added more usage information
- Added some minor doc suggestions.
- Added a note about which methods are in-process only.
- Fleshed out the README.
- Contributors: Michael Koval, Pras, Pras Velagapudi, mklingen
- Renamed or_interactivemarker to or_rviz.
- Added a README (#14), thanks @aaronjoh for the feedback
- Contributors: Michael Koval, Pras Velagapudi, Matt Klingensmith, Aaron Johnson
- line/point size now corresponds to 1mm = 1 pixel
- implemented dummy functions for pure virtuals. fixed a bug in creating manipulator markers
- Re-use existing RViz displays, when possible.
- Default to the fixed frame.
- Fixed environment changing bugs.
- Switched to using kinbody change events.
- moved InteractiveMarkerGraphHandle to a separate file.
- Fixed CreateMarker frame ID.
- Cleaned up Ogre conversion utilities.
- Ported offscreen rendering (still broken).
- Implemented GetCameraImage.
- Implemented drawarrow.
- Implemented SetBkgndColor.
- Implemented viewer image callback.
- Refactored ScopedConnection.
- Switched to the Add/Remove kinbody callbacks.
- Added stub environment change callback.
- Cleaned up EnvironmentDisplay.
- Removed duplicate files from or_rviz import.
- Removed empty Doxygen file.
- Removed Fuerte backwards compatability.
- Added license information.
- Moved ROS conversions into a separate cpp file.
- Renamed plugin file.
- Renamed viewer filenames.
- Implemented or_rviz specific viewer functions.
- Hack to avoid crashing with a NULL IK solver (#3)
- Set uninitialized values in JointMarker
- Fixed the joint control snapping problem.
- Added support for changing the parent frame.
- Anonymize or_rviz topic names.
- Got the stripped-down RViz window to open.
- Cleaned up plugin creation.
- Revert "Removed un-used native rendering code." This reverts commit ad0ab5fe3642ae999d9846382d5fc15fcb92afea.
- Removed un-used native rendering code.
- or_rviz and or_interactivemarker are working together
- Split RViz headers into a separate directory.
- Refactored in preparation for RViz plugins.
- Merging or_rviz viewer class.
- Imported RViz plugins.
- Added or_rviz dependencies.
- Moved or_conversions into the util namespace.
- Moved markers into a namespace.
- Fixed some missing headers.
- Split core functionality into a library.
- Redraw markers when visibility changes.
- Fixed use of stride in drawtrimesh
- Switched to openrave_catkin.
- Added missing explicit instantiations.
- Correctly apply scale factor to OpenRAVE meshes.
- Fixed bugs in plot3 and drawlinelist.
- Implemented SetEnvironmentSync.
- Implemented the other draw() functions.
- Implemented drawlinelist
- Implemented both plot3() interfaces.
- Templated OR conversion functions on scalar type.
- Partial plot3 support.
- Clean up UserData in RemoveKinBody.
- Re-enabled free joint IK control.
- Fixed joint controls to control position.
- Switch geometry groups for the entire KinBody.
- Switch per-link geometry groups.
- Added geometry visibility settings to kinbody.
- Enabled rendering of both types of geometry.
- Split visual and render geometry flags.
- Enabled switching visual/render geometry.
- Fall back on loading TriMeshes using OpenRAVE.
- Rudimentary menu callbacks.
- Disabled the ROS SigInt handler.
- Enabled naming of custom menu options.
- Partial support for registering custom menu options.
- Fixed rendering of textured models in Hydro.
- Implemented SetActive.
- Simplified joint control logic.
- Fixed toggling of pose controls.
- Added a pose control.
- Fixed primitive geometry.
- Added missing libraries.
- Changing colors to show IK validity.
- Only recompute the IK solution when needed.
- Reverted to (buggy) free joint selection.
- Free joint control works, but is very jerky.
- Split joint controls into two classes.
- Preparing for the KinBodyJointMarker split.
- More JointMarker cleanup.
- Cleaning up joint controls.
- Implemented joint controls.
- Implemented IK toggling correctly.
- Revamped ghost manipulator.
- Retrofitting LinkMarker for ghost manipulators.
- Fixed manipulator child link logic.
- Fixed joint control toggling.
- Detect links that are part of a manipulator.
- Added (broken) joint controls.
- Working on the KinBody-level menus.
- Working on context menus.
- Cleaning up the menu.
- Cleaned up the incremental update logic.
- Revamping the ghost manipulator.
- Render simple joint controls.
- Create the ghost manipulator for IK control.
- Prototype IK controller.
- Added boilderplate for manipulator controls.
- Detect which links are part of a manipulator.
- Added (broken) callback menu.
- Added a test script.
- Switched to one marker per body.
- Render with marker -> link.
- Added the InteractiveMarker server.
- Added some marker conversion code.
- Started mocking up the classes.
- More spacing cleanup.
- Cleaned up more spacing.
- Started updating Property attributes.
- Cleaned up indention.
- Fixed SEGFAULTs in hydro.
- Commented out interactive markers.
- Fixed linking issues in hydro.
- fixing this up for groovy
- Fixed rendering when loading a single DAE file.
- Started Catkinization.
- properly setting up the intrinsics for offscreen rendering
- got a hack working for offscreen rendering. OGRE HATES THREADS
- fixed setvisible thing
- fixed remove deadlock maybe
- Removed a hack we used for the ROCK demo.
- Added a workaround to disable lighting for textures.
- Added <openrave> tag to the manifest.
- added joint controls
- better plotting
- Render the visual geometry group when it is available.
- made orrviz less verbose
- added collision mesh visualization
- trying to get it to work on hal
- no longer segfaults with roscore not running
- Fixed a typo.
- Override collision geometry if the render filename is specified.
- or_rviz is now environment based rather than kinbody based
- trying to get it to work with herbpy. failure
- added plugin description
- or_rviz works again
- renamed superviewer
- weird stuff is happening
- superviewer is now rendering stuff
- superviewer stuff
- more superviewer work. need to load iv files
- added superviewer
- Contributors: Garth Zeglin, Jennifer King, Matt Klingensmith, Michael Koval, Mike Koval, Pras Velagapudi, mklingen