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Invoke dotnet core class from php.
Approx. 7~10 time faster than pure php7.4.


  • gcc7 or later
  • Ubuntu 18.04 or later, CentOS 7 or later
  • php 7.3 or later


  • clone the source

    cd /opt
    sudo mkdir dotnet_ffi && sudo chmod 777 dotnet_ffi 
    cd dotnet_ffi && git clone .
  • build and run


  • run only


  • install


build in docker-compose environment (optional)

cd build_env
docker compose -up -d --build
docker compose exec php_fpm /bin/bash -c "cd /var/www && ./ && ./"


modify dotnet_ffi.ini file for your environment.
sudo vim $(php-config --ini-dir)/dotnet_ffi.ini

dotnet_ffi.target_project_name="DOTNET_PROJECT_NAME, Version="

usage in php

// invoke Int64 type method sample
// call invokee_test.InvokeeTest.return_s64_arg_s64(Int64 i) in the dotnet managed dll class static method
$returnInt64 = DotnetFFI::ret_s64_arg_s64(10);
var_dump($returnInt64);// int(55) e.g. fibonacci sequence n=10

// invoke string type method sample
// call invokee_test.InvokeeTest.return_str_arg_str(string str) in the dotnet managed dll class static method
$returnString = DotnetFFI::ret_str_arg_str('1234567890-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.');
var_dump($returnString);// string(65) "1234567890-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ." e.g. toUpper

// c.f. see managed code sample dotnet_dll/invokee_test/InvokeeTest.cs
// ./ext_test.php

class methods

  • DotnetFFI::ret_s64_arg_s64(int64 $arg):int64
    input 1 int64 parameter, return int64.

  • DotnetFFI::ret_str_arg_str(string $arg):string
    input 1 string parameter, return string.

  • DotnetFFI::ret_str_arg_str_multi(int64 $arg, string method_name):int64
    invoke variable method what input 1 string, return string.

  • DotnetFFI::ret_s64_arg_s64_s64(int64 $arg):int64
    input 2 int64 parameters, return int64.

  • DotnetFFI::ret_dbl_arg_dbl(int64 $arg):int64
    input 1 double parameter, return double.

run fibonacci bench test

for command line

./ benchmarker/runbench.php

result sample (Centos7 container)

PHPVer. 7.4.29
--------- pure php fibonacci bench Start ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  26.422338962555
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- pure php fibonacci bench END ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench START ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  1.6180648803711
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench END ---------
========= 16.33 times faster than pure php =========
PHPVer. 8.0.19
--------- pure php fibonacci bench Start ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  26.541231870651
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- pure php fibonacci bench END ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench START ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  1.6303780078888
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench END ---------
========= 16.28 times faster than pure php =========
PHPVer. 8.1.6
--------- pure php fibonacci bench Start ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  27.185210943222
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- pure php fibonacci bench END ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench START ---------
0:0,    1:1,    2:1,    3:2,    4:3,    5:5,    6:8,    7:13,   8:21,   9:34,   10:55,  11:89,  12:144, 13:233, 14:377, 15:610, 16:987, 17:1597,        18:2584,        19:4181,        20:6765,        21:10946,       22:17711,     23:28657,        24:46368,       25:75025,       26:121393,      27:196418,      28:317811,      29:514229,      30:832040,      31:1346269,     32:2178309,     33:3524578,     34:5702887,     35:9227465,     36:14930352,    37:24157817,   38:39088169,    39:63245986,    40:102334155,
fibonacci sequence:     40      elapsed[sec.]:  1.7024440765381
--------- peakMemory[Bytes]: 2,097,152 ---------
--------- dotnet_ffi fibonacci bench END ---------
========= 15.97 times faster than pure php =========

for httpd server



cannot CoreCLR with apache

change so/dll file's owner to httpd user

chown -R apache: dotnet_dll/*