A repository demonstrating advanced use cases of dbt in the following areas:
See something incorrect, open an issue!
Want to see something else included, open an issue 😉!
Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of codifying standards, these range from formatting of file contents to validating the correctness of generated data in a data warehouse.
Pre-commit provides a standardised process to run CI before committing to your local branch. This has several benefits, primarily providing the developer with a quick feedback loop on their work as well as ensuring changes that do not align with standards are automatically identified before being merged. Pre-commit operates via hooks, all of these hooks are sepecified in a .pre-commit-config.yaml
file. There are several hooks that are relevant to a dbt project:
Pre-commit itself provides several standard hooks that ensure standard behaviour regarding whitespace control, valid YAML files, no presence of private keys and no unresolved merge conflicts. An interesting hook is
, this allows the name of the git branch to be standarised, for example to always start withfeature/
or to always include a Jira ticket ID to help with tracking of work items.# .pre-commit-config.yaml - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks rev: v4.4.0 hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace - id: check-merge-conflict - id: check-yaml args: [--unsafe] - id: no-commit-to-branch name: JIRA ticket ID in branch args: ['--pattern', '^((?![A-Z]+[-][0-9]+[-][\S]+).)*$']
sqlfmt is the SQL formatter used in the dbt Cloud IDE. It is an opinionated formatter with minimal configuration options making it super easy to setup. It forces all
files to a standard SQL format thereby reducing the strain on repo readers by having a single, standard format across the repo. An alternative is SQLFluff, which also has pre-commit hooks.# .pre-commit-config.yaml - repo: https://github.com/tconbeer/sqlfmt rev: v0.18.1 hooks: - id: sqlfmt
dbt-checkpoint is an awesome pre-commit package with multiple well-documented hooks. Some valuable options include ensuring that every model has a description in a YAML file, naming conventions for models in certain folders and that models have a minimum number of tests.
# .pre-commit-config.yaml - repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint rev: v1.1.0 hooks: - id: dbt-compile - id: dbt-docs-generate - id: check-model-has-properties-file name: Check that all models are listed in a YAML file - id: check-model-name-contract args: [--pattern, "(base_|stg_).*"] files: models/staging/
Most pre-commit hooks are "isolated" hooks in the sense that pre-commit creates a dedicated, isolated environment for each hook to run in. In effect this means that the python environment the hook runs in is not the same as the python environment you are working in locally.
For example, you pip install
the sqlfmt
package and your local environment now has version 0.23.0
installed. You may run sqlfmt models
to format your dbt models after making some changes. When you are ready to commit your changes pre-commit also runs sqlfmt
, however it will use a different python environment to do so, potentially resulting in conflicting changes.
One way to avoid this is to use local
hooks. These are hooks that run in the same python environment that you are developing in. For example, this "isolated" hook:
# .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: https://github.com/tconbeer/sqlfmt
rev: v0.24.0
- id: sqlfmt
Can be changed to:
# .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: local
- id: sqlfmt
entry: python -m sqlfmt
language: system
name: Run sqlfmt
pass_filenames: true
types_or: [jinja, sql]
The primary advantage of this change is that your local environment and pre-commit are now configured to use the same python environment and the same sqlfmt
version. A tangential benefit is that updates to packages used in pre-commit now only require updating of the python package. Previously this would have required updating both the python package and the pre-commit hook, a process which if not done correctly could result in a mis-matched setup.
dbt produces 4 artifacts in the form of JSON files:
is produced bydbt docs generate
and contains all the information displayed in the docs web UI (primarily model schemas and data types).manifest.json
is produced bydbt compile
and is the main source of information for the project including details on all nodes, the dependencies between these nodes as well as both the raw and compiled SQL that will be run.run_results.json
is produced by any dbt command that runs a node, e.g.dbt build
,dbt run
, etc. It contains data on the success of each node, the duration of each node and any data returned by the warehouse (adapter responses).sources.json
is produced bydbt source freshness
, similar torun_results.json
it contains data on how long each freshness check takes as well as the success or failure of the check.
All artifacts are saved in the ./target
directory by default.
These JSON files provide a valuable resource when it comes to understanding our dbt project and codifying standards. To run tests on these these files we use pytest, a python based testing framework:
Create a fixture for each artifact:
# ./tests/pytest/conftest.py @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def catalog_json() -> dict: with Path("./target/catalog.json").open() as f: data = json.load(f) return data
Write a pytest that takes a fixture as an input parameter and runs as
statement:# ./tests/pytest/test_columns.py @pytest.mark.catalog_json def test_column_names_models(catalog_json: dict) -> None: regex_pattern = "[a-z_0-9]*" for k, v in catalog_json["nodes"].items(): for col in v["columns"].keys(): if col.find(".") <= 0: assert ( col == re.compile(regex_pattern).match(col)[0] ), f"Column '{col}' in {k} does not align with the existing naming convention ({regex_pattern})."
Using the
decorator and creating apytest.ini
file allow us to use marks to group pytests, for example grouping all pytests that use thecatalog.json
The most valuable artifacts for this are catalog.json
and manifest.json
. Example tests include:
- A naming convention for columns, e.g. no uppercase characters.
- Each source can only be read by one staging model.
- All columns with a data type of DATE have to end with "_date".
- The
directory can only have 1 layer of subdirectories. - Etc.
These tests can (and should) be run in the CI pipeline:
# ./.github/workflows/ci_pipeline.yml
- run: pytest ./tests/pytest -m no_deps
They can also be run as a pre-commit hook:
# .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: local
- id: pytest-catalog-json
name: pytest-catalog-json
entry: pytest ./tests/pytest -m catalog_json
language: system
pass_filenames: false
always_run: true
Some of the functionality discussed above in dbt Artifacts and Pytest can be automated using dbt-coverage. This is a python package that prduces coverage reports for both documentation and, separately, for tests. All pull requests in this repo will have a comment that provides these stats. This allows PR reviewers to quickly assess if any newly added models are lacking acceptable documentation or test coverage.
As an alternative to running pytest
in our CI pipeline we can instead use dbt-bouncer
. This is a python package that runs a series of checks on a dbt project.
Running dbt-bouncer
involves three steps:
Install the package:
pip install dbt-bouncer
Create a
configuration file, see dbt-bouncer.yml for an example. This file lists all the checks we want to apply to this dbt project. -
Run the
command (locally or in a CI pipeline):dbt-bouncer
Any CI pipeline should run several dbt commands:
dbt build
: This runs and tests all the models, ideally in a dedicated schema (set up via thegenerate_schema_name
macro).dbt build --select config.materialized:incremental
: This runs and tests all incremental models, this is an important step to ensure any incremental logic does not generate invalid SQL.dbt source freshness
: This tests the freshness of all sources. The output of this command should be forced to success (via|| true
) as we are not interested in whether our sources are fresh, we are interested in the generatedsource.json
artifact. See./test/pytest/test_sources.py
for an example of how to identify invalid freshness checks.
All build
commands should make use of the following flags:
: Any warning results in a failure. This ensures no warnings enter our production branch as these have a higher likelihood to result in failures in the future or be an unintended consequence of the changes in the PR.--fail-fast
: Any failed node results in the immediate failure of the command. This provides faster feedback to the developer who is waiting on the results of the CI pipeline.
An example dbt build
command as part of the CI pipeline:
# ./.github/workflows/ci_pipeline.yml
- run: dbt --warn-error build --fail-fast
As part of the CI pipeline the manifest.json
artifact is generated for the feature branch, this can be compared to the manifest.json
of the target branch using the state method to identify any nodes that have been modified. In addition, the use of the state:modified+
flag allows all downstream nodes to also be identified. When combined with exposures and comments in the PR this can help reviewers quickly assess the potential impact of a PR.
A popular approach to CI for dbt is running Slim CI, this runs the modified nodes and all downstream nodes. This has the benefit of only testing modified nodes and therefore reducing run times and operational costs.
In certain setups it may be desireable to run the entire dbt project in every CI pipeline run. While this sounds extreme there are several methods that can be used to retain the benefits of Slim CI while benefiting from other advantages, namely the ability to provide comprehensive feedback on the impact of a PR on mart models. This can be performed via several steps:
Add or edit the
macro to force all models to be built in a single schema when theDBT_CICD_RUN
environment variable istrue
.# ./macros/generate_schema_name.sql {% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%} {% if env_var('DBT_CICD_RUN', 'false') == 'true' %} {{ env_var('DBT_DATASET') }} {% elif target.name in ['stg', 'prd'] and env_var('DBT_CICD_RUN', 'false') == 'false' %} {{ node.config.schema }} {% else %} {{ default__generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) }} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro %}
This results in a scenario where each CI pipeline run has a dedicated dataset:
For staging models with large volumes of historical data there is no need to process all this data in every CI pipeline run. A jinja "if" condition can be utilised to only use a reasonble volume of data during CI runs:
# ./models/staging/public_datasets/stg_public_datasets__bitcoin_blocks.sql {% if env_var('DBT_CICD_RUN', 'false') == 'true' %} and timestamp_month >= date_trunc(date_sub(current_date(), interval 1 month), month) {% endif %}
, set the required environment variables:-
. -
Assemble the value of
to contain the PR number, run number and sha of the latest commit. This ensures that every run of the pipeline will have a unique schema.
Add a query to
that returns a single row of values. This query can test any model and contain any logic however it is best to start with examing high level summaries of mart models as these are the most critical models in a dbt project. -
In the CI pipeline (
) rundbt build
and run the./scripts/mart_monitor_commenter.py
script passing the required arguments. -
For each mart monitor query a comment will be left in the PR to help developers and reviewers quickly assess the impact of the changes on mart models:
A downside of building all models in a CI pipeline is increased run time and resource consumption. This can be restricted via pytests based on the run_results.json
artifact. See ./tests/pytest/run_results.py
for examples of how the duration and resource consumption of dbt build
in the CI pipeline can be set to have reasonable allowable values. This provides a number of benefits:
- Poor JOIN logic that takes excessive time to compute will be identified.
- Incorrect or non-use of partitioning to select source data will result in failed CI pipelines.
- As a project grows there is continuous focus on the efficiency of CI runs resulting in a developer mindset that places efficiency higher in the priority list.
dbt Docs is a static website that exposes all documentation relating to your dbt project. Normally this is generated and served locally via:
dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve
This works well for the dbt developer as their local python environment is already set up to support these commands. But this isn't an option for some data consumers like the head of marketing who wants to understand what a metric means or a financial analysts looking for the most suitable table to query. For these data consumers we can expose the dbt Docs website via a web server, in our case we can use GitHub Pages.
Every time we push to our prd
branch, the cd_dbt_docs.yml workflow is triggered. This workflow runs the above dbt commands and uses the peaceiris/actions-gh-pages GitHub Action to expose the generated dbt Docs website.
GitHub Pages is awesome as it is free for personal, public repositories (like this repository) and also for organisations with an Enterprise plan. If your organisation has GitHub Pages, these are placed behind the same SSO as your GitHub repositories, providing a safe way of exposing dbt Docs to members of your organisation. If you do not use GitHub, there are many alternatives available such as Cloudflare and Netlify, in addition AWS, Azure and GCP can all serve static websites from their cloud storage products.
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of the relationships between entities in a database. It is a useful tool for understanding the structure of a database and can be used by dbt developers when adding new features and also by analysts when writing queries to answer business questions. For a dbt project, only the marts
layer is exposed to end users, hence the ERD only needs to include this layer. Here is the ERD for this dbt project (it's rather basic, a real-world dbt project would have a significantly busier ERD):
How is this created?
In our
layer we have definedrelationships
tests. For example, thecustomer_id
column indim_customers
is related to thecustomer_id
column indim_orders
. -
Using dbterd we can generate a mermaid diagram of the
layer including therelationships
. -
Using mermaid-py we can convert the mermaid diagram to a png image.
Combining the last two steps into a single python script: ./scripts/generate_marts_erd_diagram.py.
Now the tricky part. I want this diagram in the
of my repository. But I don't want every developer to have to run this script before creating their PR, I want the image to be automatically generated and kept up to date. So I do the following:-
Using the cd_erd_diagram.yml workflow I trigger a GitHub workflow after every merge to
. -
This workflow runs the script and generates the ERD image.
The image is then force-pushed to the
branch. Why? Theprd
branch has branch protection rules that prevent force pushes (this is good practice), so pushing to a different branch avoids this. -
I now have an automatically updated ERD available at a static URL:
This is the URL I reference for the above image.
"Docker-ising" refers to building a Docker image that can run your dbt project. This is useful when your orchestration process involves running a command in a pre-built container, think Airflow, Cloud Build, Dagster or any other modern Cloud orchestration tool. When building a Docker image for dbt we want to follow several guidelines:
- The image should be as small as is reasonable achievable. Given that our orchestrator may pull the image many times over the course of a single day (e.g. hourly runs or one pull per task), having a smaller image reduces the amount of data that needs to moved (and resulting wait times and cloud costs). There are several ways to achieve this:
- As the base image, use a "slim" python image rather than a "full" image.
- If you use a python package manager like Poetry, use multi-stage builds. This allows your image to be built using Poetry but does not include Poetry in the final image (as it is not necessary to run dbt).
- Only install the python dependencies you need, i.e. no dev dependencies.
- The image should not contain any sensitive data like passwords or credentials. If these are required, they should be passed at build time as build secrets.
- The image should make good use of Docker layers and caching to reduce the time it takes to build the image. The docker/build-push-action natively supports caching Docker layers in GitHub Actions.
- The image should not require any setup commands to be used. For dbt this means that the image already contains all required dbt packages and the dbt project has been parsed.
In CI, the ci_pipeline.yml workflow builds a Docker image and runs a dbt parse
command on it to validate that the image can run dbt commands.
In CD, although not implemented in this repository, the docker/build-push-action
GitHub Action can be used to push the image to an image registry such as GCP's Artifact Registry or AWS's ECR. From here the image can be downloaded by your orchestration tool. It is common to tag images with the SHA of the commit that built the image, in addition you can tag images with the environment they are intended to be used in. For example, an image will initially have the commit SHA and stg
tag, it will then be used in our staging environment, after a deployment the stg
tag will be replaced with a prd
tag and the image will be used in production. When a subsequent deployment to production is performed the prd
tag is re-assigned to a newer image and the original image retains only its SHA tag. At all times there is one image with a stg
tag and one image with a prd
tag. Immediately after a deployment from staging to production, one image will have both tags (i.e. staging and production will use the same image).
Dev containers provide a Docker-ised development environment and are natively supported by both PyCharm and VSCode, allowing developers to continue using their preferred IDE. Using a dev container allows all developers to work in a standardised environment (including VSCode extensions!), minimising setup issues, reducing the need for manual configuration and allowing for a consistent development experience. Dev containers are useful in workplaces where developers use different OS's (think Mac and Windows), where developers may not be familiar with setting up python environments and where connecting to the underlying database requires non-standard configuration (SQL Server sometimes requires specific drivers to be installed). You can even use the devcontainers/ci Github Action to use your standardised dev container in your GitHub workflows.
To use a dev container you must have Docker (or another container manager like Podman) installed, while some workplaces may restrict this due to security concerns, container managers are very widely used engineering tools and when used correctly can be used for more than just dev containers.
To view the dev container configuration for this project, view the .devcontainer directory.
To open this repository in a dev container:
Clone this repo to your local machine, open the repository in VSCode and from the command palette select
Dev Containers: Reopen in Container
dbt runs in a python environment, therefore the configuration of your python environment is a critical part of a dbt project.
There are many different versions of python, and there are many different parts of a dbt project that require access to python. One widely supported way of managing the python version is to create a .python-version
file in the root of your project. This file contains the python version you want to use, and is as simple as:
Python has a large ecosystem of tools, many of these will use the .python-version
file if it is present:
: A GitHub Action that installs python in the ephemeral environment used by a GitHub workflow.pyenv
: A tool for installing multiple versions of python.uv
: A package manager for python.
This repository uses Poetry as a python package manager. Package managers are used to install and manage python packages, one of their primary benefits is the generation of a lock file, a file detailing the exact version of every installed package. For Poetry, this is the poetry.lock
file. This helps control what are known as transitive dependencies, dependencies that are installed as a result of installing a package. For example, if I was using pip
to install packages I may specify dbt-core>=1.8,<1.9
. With Poetry I would specify dbt-core ()>=1.8.0,<1.9.0)
. The installed version of dbt-core
will be the same using both methods. However dbt-core
has dependencies (such as click
, logbook
, etc.). With pip
I have no control over the version of these dependencies, with Poetry I do as the lock file ensures even these dependencies are recorded.
Note that there are several other python package managers available such as hatch
, pdm
and uv
GitHub workflows initialise in an almost empty environment, just your repository contents and some standard CLI tools (think gh
, GitHub's own CLI tool). One common step is to recreate the python virtual environment in the workflow environment. This involves downloading and installing all the python dependencies into the .venv
directory. But what if you are re-running a CI workflow, or what if your dependencies are the same as your previous run? In these cases you are repeating work that has already been done.
One way to avoid this is to use caching, the concept of storing the output of your work and reusing it in a later run. GitHub Actions has a built in caching mechanism, you can specify a cache key and a path to cache. You can even view the existing caches for this repo here.
dbt repositories can benefit from caching in two areas:
- The python virtual environment stored in
. - The Poetry executable stored in
Both of these are the result of work we perform in almost every GitHub workflow run. And both of these can be easily invalidated when necessary; the virtual environment when the contents of poetry.lock
change and the Poetry executable when the version of Poetry changes.
To enable caching, let's take an example workflow snippet:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
id: setup-python
- name: Load cached Poetry installation
id: cached-poetry
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: /home/runner/.local
key: poetry-cache-${{ runner.os }}-${{ steps.setup-python.outputs.python-version }}-${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
- name: Install Poetry
if: steps.cached-poetry.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
installer-parallel: true
version: ${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
virtualenvs-create: false
virtualenvs-in-project: true
- name: Load cached venv
id: cached-poetry-dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: .venv
key: venv-${{ runner.os }}-${{ steps.setup-python.outputs.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
- name: Install python packages
if: steps.cached-poetry-dependencies.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: poetry install --no-interaction --no-ansi
- name: Whatever else we want to do
run: ...
Every cache requires a unique identifier, this key
should contain a reference to the parameters the cache is dependent upon. For the Poetry cache, this is the Poetry version and the python version and the operating system. For the virtual environment cache, this is the operating system, the python version and the hash of the poetry.lock
file. By combining these parameters we create a key that allows us to check if a suitable cache already exists, and if not, create a new one.
If a cache is found, then it is loaded. We can this skip subsequent steps like installing Poetry by adding if
condition to the step that would have performed that work.
In version 1.5, dbt introduced programmatic invocations, a way of calling dbt commands natively from python including the ability to retrieve returned data. Previous ways of doing this mostly relied on opening a new shell process and calling the dbt CLI, this wasn't ideal for a lot of reasons including security. This repo further abstracts programmatic invocations to a dedicated helper function, see run_dbt_command
in ./scripts/utils.py
This repository accompanies some conference talks:
- NL dbt meetup: 2nd Edition: "CI for dbt: Beyond the basics!", slides available here.
- MDSFest: "CI for dbt: Beyond the basics!", slides available here, video available here.