Project that predicts the duration of a NYC taxi trip given certain features of the trip, from the competition on New York City Taxi Trip Duration. Both and use train a Random Forest Regresor model using a training dataset. An output file is then constructed, filled with predictions produced from a test.csv file.
I used the pandas library to read and organize the datasets, taking advantage of its useful DataFrame object. The scikit-learn library was used for its machine learning models, in this case the Random Forest Regresor. Lastly, the matplotlib library was used to visualize certain parts of the data. is a first attempt that utilized feature engineering, data cleaning, and a RandomForestRegresor object from the scikit-learn library. I also used matplotlib to graph things like time vs distance travelled and time vs other features to look into any possible correlations. is a streamlined version of, which improves and adds on to some of the feature engineering done in, performs a logarithmic transformation on the data to normalize the dataset which improved accuracy, and also improves runtime.
The optimal program produced a Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error of 0.42503.