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#  PyMFEM extension sample

This example is written for parallel (MPI) version of PyMFEM.
You need to have python2.7 with mpi4py. 

# How to build this sample

1) prepare Makefile

edit Makefile. You need to set compiler (mpicxx), location of
include/lib of various libraries.

2) build

make extension   # build/install the sample external library
make cxx         # generate a wrapper code to wrap the sample library
make so          # compile a wrapper code
make install     # install

Alternatively, you can pass these parameters from arguments as follows 

 make <build command>  PREFIX=~/sandbox \
                       MFEM_LNK_DIR=~/sandbox/mfem-git/par/lib \
        	       MFEM_INC_DIR=~/sandbox/mfem-git/par/include \
	               CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx \
                       HYPRE_INC_DIR=~/sandbox/include      \
where <build command> is extension, cxx, so, and install		       

# How to use this sample
1) Build Files

This build process of sample extension is done by following files.

Makefile                  # Entry point of build process. Enviromental variables are set here                  # python script to build python extension wrapper and install it
ext/CMakeLists.txt        # CMake file to build a sample library
mfem_ext_sample/Makefile  # called from top-level Makefile

# test result
Python 2.7.15 (default, May  2 2018, 00:53:27) 
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In [1]: import mfem_ext_sample.sample_a

In [2]: dir(mfem_ext_sample.sample_a)

In [3]: refiner = mfem_ext_sample.sample_a.sample_PyMFEM_ext()
Conctructor called

In [4]: refiner.get_refine()
Out[4]: 1

In [5]: import mfem.par
In [8]: mesh = mfem.par.Mesh('test.msh')

In [9]: mesh.GetNV()
Out[9]: 14

In [10]: refiner.call_refine(mesh)

In [11]: mesh.GetNV()
Out[11]: 63


Sample extension to expand PyMFEM






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