This formula installs followig libraris.
- Hypre
- Metis
- Parmetis
- piScope
- PetraM (Base, RF, Geom, MUMPS)
brew install cmake open-mpi scalapack wget zlib netcdf hdf5 numpy scipy coreutils llvm libomp gmsh wxPython mpi4py mercurial $(brew --prefix)/opt/[email protected]/bin/pip3 install six matplotlib Pillow hgapi PyOpenGL netCDF4 h5py PyPDF2 pdfrw future brew tap piScope/twopi brew install -v piscope/twopi/twopi
The activation command (activate_twopi) adds an alias to twopi command. One can use it to update piScope and PetraM modules
To use Petra-M, use activartion command to setup envrioment
> activate_twopi
Then, you can start piScope
TwoPi_xxx> piscope
You can use twop command to update PetraM modules
TwoPi_xxx> twopi update <module name> # to check if update exists
TwoPi_xxx> twopi update --install <module name> # to check if update exists
TwoPi_xxx> twopi update --install <module name> # to check if update exists
if <module name> is not specified. It will check all modules