✨ Deploy GKE private cluster using terraform and expose an echo server
🖱️ For Details and components explanation read A gentle introduction to GKE private cluster deployment
🏗️ For production-grade deployments see the official Terraform Kubernetes Engine Module
Enable the following GCP APIs using the GCP console [1]
- Open GCP console -> APIs & Services -> enable APIs and services
- Enable:
- Compute Engine API
- Kubernetes Engine API
Clone the repo gke-basic-cluster-deployment
Compile the input variables:
$ cp iac/variables.tfvars.example iac/variables.tfvars $ vi iac/variables.tfvars # replace with your data
Deploy the cluster:
- Replace\set the variables with your data
# configure gcloud to the desired project $ gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID # configure terraform $ cd iac $ tfswitch $ terraform init # deploy the GKE pre-requisites $ terraform plan -out out.plan -var-file="./variables.tfvars" -var deploy_cluster=false $ terraform apply out.plan # deploy GKE - can take more than 20 minutes $ terraform plan -out out.plan -var-file="./variables.tfvars" -var deploy_cluster=true $ terraform apply out.plan
Deploy the services into k8s
- Replace\set the variables with your data
# set kubectl context $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials gkedeploy-cluster --zone $PROJECT_REGION --project $PROJECT_ID # create common resources $ kubectl apply -f k8s/common # deploy the server $ kubectl apply -f k8s/gechoserver/ # wait that the ADDRESS will be displayed - can take more than 10 minutes $ kubectl -n dev get ingress -o wide NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE gechoserver <none> * 80 67s # query the server from internet - can take more than 10 minutes # replace "" with your address: $ curl -XPOST -v -d "foo=bar" # ~ Congratulation, your server on GKE is up and running! ~
Destroy the cluster:
$ cd iac $ terraform destroy -auto-approve -var-file="./variables.tfvars" -var deploy_cluster=true