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Tanzu Buildpacks Documentation Book

The content repo associated with this book is pivotal/docs-tanzu-buildpacks. For specific information about Tanzu Buildpacks documentation, see Tanzu Buildpacks Docs.

In this topic:

This book uses a centralized layout repository, docs-layout-repo.
You must clone this repository to run bookbinder bind local.

The centralized layout repository is specified as the value of the layout_repo key in the config.yml file. Bookbinder uses this centralized layout repository by default, but files in the book's master_middleman/source directory override files in the centralized layout repository if they have the same name.

What's in this Repo

Here you'll find the configuration and templates for the Tanzu Buildpacks documentation.

This repository does not contain the actual documentation content. Actual content is contained in the topic repositories listed in the config.yml file.

The master_middleman folder contains the templates used for publishing.

Running Locally

Clone the following repositories:

From the home directory of the docs-book-tanzu-buildpacks repository, run:

bundle install
bundle exec bookbinder bind local
cd final_app/
bundle install
bundle exec rackup

In a browser, open: http://localhost:9292/tanzu-buildpacks

Alternatively, you can see a live preview of the docs by running:

bundle install
bundle exec bookbinder watch

In a browser, open: http://localhost:4567/tanzu-buildpacks.

If you you don't see the bound book at the above URL, make sure you have the required bookbinder dependencies outlined in the Bookbinder/Bookbindery readme.

The Docs Toolchain

The Tanzu documentation is written in markdown and published using the Bookbinder gem to generate the documentation as a web application with Middleman.

Contributing to the Documentation

The docs team prefers to receive documentation contributions as pull requests rather than having engineering teams push directly to the docs repos. This gives us a chance to review the changes for consistency and understand the new content.

If you are planning to initiate a large documentation effort, please coordinate with the docs team in advance to make sure we're not going to step on each other. You can reach the docs team by email at [email protected].

If you are trying to figure out where a particular bit of information should live, please reach out and ask. We're happy to help you ensure information goes to the right place.

Submitting a Pull Request

This is a Bookbinder project. See its README for instructions on how edits are made.

Determine Content Repos and Branches of a Book

The config.yml defines the content repos for each book. The config.yml file of each book contains the list of content repos and branches that appear in the doc set. In the config.yml file, each content repo is specified in the repository subsection. This subsection includes an optional ref key-value pair which defines the branch of the content repo the book uses.

Make sure that you are adding your content to the correct branches of the content repos.

To determine which branch of a content repo a book version uses:

  1. Confirm that you are on the correct book branch. For example, the currently published doc might be on the master branch or on the branch corresponding to its version number.

  2. Open the config.yml file.

  3. Search for the name of the content repo, for example, docs-cloudfoundry-concepts.

  4. Review the repository subsection for the content repo. If there is no ref: tag, then the repo uses the master branch. If there is a ref key-value pair, it specifies the branch name of the content repo.

Product Variables

Variables for this book are in config/template_variable.yml. Don't make more variables than absolutely necessary. Minimizing variable usage in this book will make it easier for the engineering team to contribute.

If you need to make more variables, be consistent with variables in other books, see Product Variables.