top (filterView) section singular_repo section Multiple_repo section side_panel section
has repo - (singular_repo view)
has tags - (side_panel view)
has repos - (multiple_repo view)
has tags - (as filters) (optional)
has repo - (as filter) (optional) # this is the case for a repo showing similar repos.
has user - (as filter) (optional)
has tags (side_panel view)
has currentUser (the logged in user)
top Filter View App.repos tags user repo
Side_panelview App.repos.user tags App.repo tags
Multiple Repos App.repos
Singular Repo App.repo
- the user should be able to add tags to his repos.
- the user should be able to filter his repos by these tags.
- the user should be able to filter by a combination of tags.
- the user should be able to see all tags for a given repo.
- the user should be able to see other repos tagged by the same tag or combination of tags.
- the user should be able to see another user's tags.
- the user should be able to explore trending/popular (quality) repos based on tags or a set of tags
- the user should be able to see/use the most popular tags.
plusjade:uid tags:"mysql" on repo:112
Tag:mysql:users add plusjade.uid Tag:mysql:items add 112
User:uid:tags add +1:"mysql" User:uid:items add 112
Repo:112:tags +1:"mysql" Repo:112:users add uid