last updated 06/25/24
for real executors, you can check the pinned mod posts at r/robloxhackers (dont trust everything), (then again people can put fake stuff there, or you can use Valkyrie (this isn't sponsored by Valkyrie)
ValeDreamer's Alts:
- Oxycontin
- Eulen
- Nie
- cione
ValeDreamer stole these executor's UI:
- OxygenU
- Kramp UI/KrampUI
ValeDreamer Logged:
- +500 Accounts
ValeDreamer Threatened:
- To terminate Discord servers exposing him in any way.
- To swat people contacting him
ValeDreamer tried to DMCA:
- Johannes Bürger
- Possibly other users that exposed him.
ValeDreamer is currently using a discord account that he logged:
- LuLu (lulubored)
ValeDreamer made these fake applications and stuff to log people:
- Fake Evon Discord Server [Rat Executor]
- Fake OxygenU Discord Server / aka Oxycontin Discord Server [Rat Executor]
- Nie (No given Name for the Rat Executor) [Rat Executor]
- Eulen [Rat Executor]
- Rebound [Rat Executor]
- Carpe Diem [Rat Executor]
- Lulu Market (Oxycontin Discord Server) [Unknown Currently, Possible Rat]
ValeDreamer Fakes:
- UNC Script
- Vape Script
- and other Scripts.
ValeDreamer's Server Rebranded: 5 Times
- Fake Evon
- Oxycontin
- Nie
- Eulen
- Carpe Diem - Bridge - Rebound
- Lulu Market
ValeDreamer's New Server that were rebranded:
- Rebound
- Carpe Diem (Rebranded from Rebound)
- Carpe Diem - Bridge - Rebound (Rebranded to Lulu Market)