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Dart Mautic API

Mautic API Wrapper for Dart and Flutter


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  mautic_api: any

Run flutter pub get on terminal to download and install packages and import on your files:

import 'package:mautic_api/mautic_api.dart';

Basic Usage

You can create a new instance of class MauticAPI with 3 arguments: base_url, username and password:

  final api = MauticAPI('', 'username', 'password');

To test your credentials you can call getCurrentUser() to get your MauticUser. If the credentials fail the method return null.

  var user = await api.getCurrentUser();

Here a complete example to get current user info:

import 'package:mautic_api/mautic_api.dart';

void main() async {
  final api =
      MauticAPI('', 'username', 'password');

  var user = await api.getCurrentUser();


Available Endpoints


The class MauticAPI provides a constructor with 3 arguments:

Sample usage:

var api = MauticAPI('', 'username', 'password');

There are also two optional arguments to handle cache:

  • localPath: The Path for cache directory (default: ./tmp)
  • localExpiresMinutes: Time to Expire cache in minutes (default: 5)

On Flutter you can use the path_provider package to get default app cache directory.

The class MauticAPI has following attributes:

  /// Request Has Success?
  bool hasSuccess = false;

  /// Current Mautic Version?
  String mauticVersion;

  /// Is Data Read from Cache?
  bool isCachedData = false;

The class MauticAPI has following methods:

/// Return Current User
Future<MauticUser> getCurrentUser();

/// Return User by ID
Future<MauticUser> getUserByID(int _id);

/// Return All Users
Future<List<MauticUser>> getUsers();

/// Return Contact by ID
Future<MauticContact> getContactByID(int _id);

/// Return All Contacts
Future<List<MauticContact>> getContacts({ int page = 0, String s = 'email:%@%', String ob = 'last_active', String od = 'desc', int limit = 5});

/// Return the number of identified contacts
Future<int> getTotalContacts();

/// Return the number of pagination of contacts
Future<int> getContactsPagination({int limit = 30});

/// Return All Emails
Future<List<MauticEmail>> getEmails({ int page = 0, String s = '', String ob = 'id', String od = 'desc', int limit = 30});

/// Return Contact by ID
Future<MauticEmail> getEmailByID(int _id);

/// Return the number of emails
Future<int> getTotalEmails();

/// Return the number of pagination of emails
Future<int> getEmailsPagination({int limit = 30});


Class MauticUser has the following attributes:

  /// User ID
  final int id;

  /// User First Name
  final String firstName;

  /// User Last Name
  final String lastName;

  /// User Email
  final String email;

  /// User Online Status
  final String onlineStatus;


Class MauticContact has the following attributes:

  /// Contact ID
  final int id;

  /// Contact First Name
  final String firstName;

  /// Contact Last Name
  final String lastName;

  /// Contact Email
  final String email;

  /// Contact Points
  final int points;

  /// Contact Date Added
  final DateTime dateAdded;

  /// Contact Date Last Active
  final DateTime dateLastActive;

  /// Contact Date Identified
  final DateTime dateIdentified;

  /// Return if Contact is Identified
  bool get isIdentified;

Class MauticContact has the following methods:

  /// Return Gravatar URL
  String gravatarUrl({int size = 96});


Class MauticEmail has the following attributes:

  final int id;

  final bool isPublished;

  final String name;

  final String subject;

  final String fromAddress;

  final String fromName;

  final String replyToAddress;

  final String customHtml;

  final String plainText;

  final String template;

  final String emailType;

  final String language;

  final DateTime publishUp;

  final DateTime publishDown;

  final int readCount;

  final int sentCount;

  double readRate;

  bool hasTextPlain;