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A task based approach to using tensorflow transform.

Usage instructions:

python -h
usage: [-h] --task TASKS [--visualize_tasks VISUALIZATION_FILENAME] [--print_performance_metrics]

A task based approach to using tensorflow transform.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --task TASKS          Pick tasks from {'view_transformed_sample_data', 'clean_directory', 'train_non_embedding_model', 'train_and_predict_non_embedding_model',
                        'preprocess_raw_data', 'train_embedding_model', 'train_and_predict_embedding_model', 'transform_raw_data', 'view_original_sample_data'}
  --visualize_tasks VISUALIZATION_FILENAME
                        Specify the filename to visualize the execution of tft tasks(e.g. mlops_pipeline.svg)
                        specify if you want performance metrics to be printed to the console

To execute the full lifecycle and visualize it, enter the below: If you have all of the prequisites in requirements.txt, you should see something like this.

python --task train_non_embedding_model --visualize_tasks mlops_pipeline_non_embedding_model.svg

Goals of project

Machine learning frameworks such as scikit-learn are amazing, and they are so elegant. But there's a reason frameworks such as tensorflow exist; the complexity they represent is the price to pay to solve deeper problems at scale. The jump from scikit-learn to tensorflow is conceptually difficult. My goal for this project is to make that jump a little bit easier by doing the following things:

  1. Provide a working example that shows the power of tensorflow and tensorflow transform, including the data, pipelines, and some visualization so that it's easier to see what is going on.
  2. Construct the working example in such a way that it can be easily re-used, and the various parts can be easily swapped out, specifically the data, the model architecture, even the flow of the pipeline itself. The last part of this is the reason for the name of the project: tft_tasks breaks down the ML pipeline into tasks in such a way that you don't need to understand all of the pieces in order to benefit from it. You can abstract out the parts you don't yet understand, or the parts that other teams work on. For example, the task view original_sample_data and view_transformed_sample_data allows you to inspect interactively the result of the transformations applied by the preprocessing_fn.
  3. Decompose the ML pipeline, and visualize it, to make understanding the whole more tractable. The visualization feature currently shows the order of execution for the pipeline, which makes it very clear that the framework can be understood by biting off small pieces.

These goals will evolve, as my learning evolves. My personal (selfish) goal is to learn from the great engineers that contribute to open source every day, and to become a better thinker via programming.

Sample Graphs

All tasks

View original sample data task

View transformed sample data task

Train and predict embedding model task

Sample Performance Metrics Output

Train and predict non-embedding model

The below table is sorted in ascending order by start_time, an unshown field.

caller called elapsed_time
0 main perform_task 5.671713
1 perform_task train_non_embedding_model 5.671396
2 train_non_embedding_model check_prerequisites 0.000002
3 train_non_embedding_model perform_task 4.499159
4 perform_task transform_tfrecords 4.498804
5 transform_tfrecords pipeline_function 4.498391
6 train_non_embedding_model check_prerequisites 0.000001
7 train_non_embedding_model get_tft_transform_output 0.000010
8 train_non_embedding_model build_transformed_inputs 0.013609
9 train_non_embedding_model build_dnn_and_keras_inputs 0.000005
10 train_non_embedding_model build_non_embedding_model 0.027629
11 train_non_embedding_model get_transformed_dataset 0.171039
12 get_transformed_dataset get_tft_transform_output 0.000007
13 converted_call map_features_and_labels 0.015388
14 main closeout_task 0.000120

High-level Design

Relationship between tft_tasks_cli and tft_tasks

The entry-point into tft_tasks is The relationship between and can be visualized as follows:

flowchart TB
subgraph main
get_args --> parser.parse_args
main -- args --> tft_tasks_main

tft_tasks_cli does the following things:

  • Imports argparse
  • Imports the main function from tft_tasks as tft_tasks_main
  • Imports available tasks from tft_tasks via Task

tft_tasks_cli module, through main:

  • Defines a get_args function, which uses argparse to:
    • define the structure of arguments, along with help information
    • retrieve them from the command line by invoking get_args, which, in turn, takes the list provided by sys.argv and turns it into a Namespace object using parser.parse_args and stores into args. The Namespace object can be thought of as an object that has attributes that contain a list of the arguments that are passed. For example, args.tasks contains a list ['clean_directory']. You can create a name Namespace and argument as follows
import argparse
b = argparse.Namespace() = ['dog']

This is how you can interactively run the program.

import argparse
from tft_tasks import main as tft_tasks_main
from tft_tasks import Task
args = argparse.Namespace()
args.tasks = ['clean_directory']
#Set the other two parameters too

Similarly, you can run it by sourcing all of and then doing

import argparse
args = argparse.Namespace()
args.tasks = ['train_and_predict_embedding_model']
  • Invokes tft_tasks_main(args)

For the simplest task clean_directory, this sequence can be visualized as follows

participant User
participant tft_tasks_cli
participant get_args
participant argparse
participant tft_tasks
User -->> tft_tasks_cli: --task clean_directory
tft_tasks_cli -->> get_args: No arguments
get_args -->> argparse: Parse Arguments <br>per defined parser
argparse -->> get_args: Arguments <br> as Namespace object
get_args -->> tft_tasks_cli: Namespace object
tft_tasks_cli -->> tft_tasks: Namespace object <br> tft_tasks(args)
tft_tasks -->> tft_tasks_cli: Directory removed
tft_tasks_cli -->> User: Directory removed

The tasks themselves are performed by tft_tasks, whose design we look at here.

Design of tft_tasks

Tasks are stored in a task dictionary, and are designed and implemented such that they can be executed as functions without any arguments. For example, generically, a task is executed as follows:


So the object that resides at self.task_dictionary[task_name] must be completely self sufficient. In order to compose that object, we use, generally, a partial function comprised of a function from the class Task, instance name my_tasks and a dataclass from class MLMetaData instance name my_taxicab_data. The function implements whatever transformation is required, and the MLMetaData instance provides access to the data to be transformed.

class MLMetaData{
    +int NBUCKETS
    +String LABEL_COLUMN
    +String TEST_FILE_PATH
    +List~tf.dtypes~ DEFAULT_DTYPES
    +List~tf.dtypes~ ALL_DTYPES
    +String CSV_COLUMNS
    +List DEFAULTS
    +Schema _SCHEMA
    +int BATCH_SIZE

After the class MLMetaData has been initialized, its RAW_DATA_DICTIONARY is populated using the CSV_COLUMNS and their ALL_DTYPES, and similarly with RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC using RAW_DATA_DICTIONARY. Lastly, the _SCHEMA is created using schema_utils.schema_from_feature_spec using RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC

The MLMetaData class has no methods.

class Task{
    +Dict task_completed
    +Dict task_dictionary
    +Dict task_dag
    +set valid_tasks
    +check_prerequisites(self, task_name) bool
    +perform_prerequisites(self, task_name) None
    +clean_directory(self) None
    +get_tft_transform_output(self, location) tft_transform_output
    +get_feature_spec(self, location) feature_spec
    +get_single_batched_example(self, location) single_example_batched
    +inspect_example(self, dictionary_of_tensors) None
    +build_inputs(self, FEATURE_SPEC) inputs
    +tft_pipeline(self, mydataclass, preprocessing_fn, location) bool
    +preprocess_raw_data(self, mydataclass, preprocessing_fn=lambda X: X.copy()) None
    +transform_raw_data(self, mydataclass, preprocessing_fn) None
    +view_original_sample_data(self, mydataclass) None
    +build_raw_to_preprocessing_model Model
    +view_transformed_sample_data(self, mydataclass) None
    +build_raw_inputs(self, mydataclass) inputs
    +build_model_inputs(self, mydataclass) inputs
    +build_dnn_and_keras_inputs(self, model_inputs) (dnn_inputs, keras_preprocessing_inputs)
    +build_non_embedding_model(self, dnn_inputs, ) non_embdding_model
    +map_features_and_labels(self, mydataclass, example) (example, label)
    +get_dataset(self, mydataclass, location) transformed_ds
    +get_subset(self, some_dict, some_columns) dict
    +get_dataset_with_subset(self, mydataclass, location, columns) transformed_ds
    +train_non_embedding_model(self, mydataclass) non_embedding_model
    +build_embedding_model(self, mydataclass) embedding_model
    +train_embedding_model(self, mydataclass) trained_embedding_model
    +build_end_to_end_model_non_embedding(self, mydataclass, raw_inputs, location, new_model) end_to_end_model
    +build_end_to_end_model(self, raw_inputs, location, new_model) end_to_end_model
    +train_and_predict_non_embedding_model(self, mydataclass) None
    +train_and_predict_embedding_model(self, mydataclass) None
    +perform_task(self, task_name) None
    +closeout_task(self) None

In main, MLMetaData is first initialized, and then Task right after. After some cleanup, preprocessing_fn is defined, this function is not monitored by the framework. I ran into some challenges with apache beam that prevented me from doing so.

After this, the task_dictionary is populated using partial functions, which use functions from Task and pre-populates parameters and stores them in the task_dictionary.

After the task_dictionary is populated, the task_dag is populated with the list of prerequisites. The task state dictionary is then read off of the disk and the tasks are performed. Lastly the visualization graph is produced along with a report that shows how long each step took. The task state data is then persisted to the disk.

Example task at design time and runtime

The simplest task is clean directory. Let's look at how it is set up and executed.

Design Time

  • An element clean_directory is added to the Task.valid_tasks frozenset.
  • In this case, the task doesn't have any pre-requisites, but if it did, they would have been put in a list at my_tasks.task_dag['clean_directory']
  • A function decorated by @MyTracePath.inspect_function_execution is created as Task.clean_directory. This function includes a call to perform_prerequisites which ensures the prerequisite activities are completed. It then executes the steps that are specific to itself.
  • The function is added to my_tasks.task_dictionary['clean_directory']


When the user requests the execution of clean_directory, the following things happen:

  • The task is checked for validity by checking against the frozenset
  • If it is valid, my_tasks.perform_task(task) is called, where task is set to clean_directory
  • Task.perform_task executes task_dictionary[task_name]() which handles all the pre-requisites, then executes code specific to itself.
  • Task.task_completed[task] is set to True


A task based approach to using tensorflow transforms







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