Releases: project-imprimis/imprimis
Releases · project-imprimis/imprimis
Alpha 35 "Isabella"
Thirty-fifth monthly alpha release.
Major changes
- Fixed scroll wheel bug in editor
- Removed bespoke hashtable, std::unordered_map replaces it in all occurences
- Refactored vertex array collection code into more cohesive class
Alpha 34 "Horseshoe"
The thirty-fourth alpha release of Imprimis.
Major changes
- Faster, lower memory menus implementation
- Better texture error handling
- Fixed bug causing radiancehints to render improperly at distance
Alpha 32 "Foss"
The thirty-second alpha release of Imprimis.
Major changes:
- Fixed unsafe std::copy() in BIH code
- New engine documentation format added: unix man pages
- Shader code safety improvements
- Significant improvements in engine documentation coverage
- Fixed missing worldio commands, now loaded on game startup with other commands
Alpha 31 "Echo"
The thirty-first alpha release of Imprimis.
Major changes:
- Fixed a bug that was preventing lighting from rendering properly
- Fixed issues with def2a waypoints
- Fixed issues with player collision with octree geometry
- Improved API between engine and game octaedit functionality
Alpha 30 "Dorothy"
The thirtieth alpha release of Imprimis.
- Fixed bug causing config files to placed in the install directory
- Fixed bug preventing new config files to be written out
- Removed ability for bots to damage teammates
- Remove
- Improved GLSL debugging output
- Simplified min/maxtesoffset variables
- Fixed conskip buffer runderrun that could cause a crash
Alpha 28 "Buffalo"
The twenty-eighth release of Imprimis.
Major changes:
- Fixed an AI data structure issue that could cause bot crashes
- Significantly better testing code and CI integration
- Many const correctness API and internal fixes
Alpha 27 "Angeline"
The twenty-seventh alpha release of Imprimis.
Major changes
- A new map def2a
- Fixed a bug where dead players still had collision
- Improved edit variables UI
- Fixed a bug causing a crash with AI code
- Much faster Flatpak builds thanks to @TheEgghead27
- Fixed the Makefile not deleting the binary on clean
Builds are 2023-03-05 with some map & font patches.
Alpha 25 "Yakima"
The twenty-fifth alpha release of Imprimis.
Major changes in this release:
- All cube
instances removed -- the entire project usesstd::vector
- Fixed a bug in Snap permissions that was crashing the game on startup
- Fixed a bug that was causing flatpak to crash due to an out-of-bounds error
- New sounds by @garsipal to replace many of the CC-BY-NC assets
Alpha 24 "Xerxes"
The 24th release of Imprimis.
Major changes:
- New spray mechanics, random walk instead of fully random
- New (unfinished) models for the scattergun + carbine
- Tweaked spread factor for carbine
- Higher resolution HUD hand model