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Release Procedure

You can copy the raw source of this document to an issue or pull request for the release to use as an interactive checklist, if desired.

Note: We use pip instead of conda here even on Conda installs, to ensure we always get the latest upstream versions of the build dependencies.


  • Close GitHub milestone and ensure all issues are resolved/moved

  • In a bash-like shell locally and on the Pi/server, set up the variables needed (otherwise, replace them manually)

    # Full version number to release, e.g. '1.2.3b4'
    # Git branch to make the release from, e.g. 'main', 'master' or '1.x'
    # Prepare-release branch name
    # Release branch name, if a new major/minor release, e.g. '1.x' or '0.4.x'
    # Set mode to 'client' (if on a Pi) or 'server' (if on the central VPS)

    or, all in one line,

  • Update local repo

    git reset --hard && git switch $MAIN_BRANCH && git pull upstream $MAIN_BRANCH
  • Clean local repo

    git clean -xdi
  • Perform a quick local smoke-test of the final development version

    python -b -X dev -m pip install -e .
    python -I -bb -X dev -W error -c "import serviceinstaller; print(serviceinstaller.__version__)"
    rm -f ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m brokkr install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable
    rm -f ../testservice/sindri-hamma-test.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m sindri install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable --mode test
    ls -lha ../testservice
    less ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service
    less ../testservice/sindri-hamma-test.service


  • Create a new branch for the release

    git switch -c $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH
  • Ensure docs and metadata are up to date and commit any changes

  • Update with the latest changes

  • Update __version__ in (set release version, remove .dev0)

  • Create release commit

    git commit -m "Release Serviceinstaller version $VERSION"
  • Push the prepare-release branch to your fork

    git push -u origin $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH
  • Open a pull request for the branch


  • On the Pi/server, pull the prepare-release branch

    git reset --hard && git fetch --all && git switch $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH
  • Clean repository of old artifacts

    git clean -xdi
  • Create and activate a fresh virtual environment for testing

    python -m venv test-env && source test-env/bin/activate
  • Install/update the packaging stack

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install --upgrade build setuptools wheel
  • Build the distribution packages

    python -bb -X dev -W error -m build
  • Install from built wheel

    python -b -X dev -m pip install dist/serviceinstaller-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
  • Check environment

    pip check; python -I -bb -X dev -W error -c "import serviceinstaller; print(serviceinstaller.__version__)"
  • Test Serviceinstaller with Brokkr and Sindri

    rm -f ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m brokkr install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable
    rm -f ../testservice/sindri-hamma-$MODE.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m sindri install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable --mode $MODE
    ls -lha ../testservice
    less ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service
    less ../testservice/sindri-hamma-$MODE.service


  • On the Pi/server(s), activate the production virtual environment

  • Disable and stop Brokkr/Sindri services

    sudo systemctl disable brokkr-hamma-default sindri-hamma-$MODE && sudo systemctl stop brokkr-hamma-default sindri-hamma-$MODE
  • Reinstall the package from the built wheel

    python -b -X dev -m pip install dist/serviceinstaller-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
  • Reinstall service for Brokkr and Sindri, e.g.

    sudo /$PATH_TO_VENV/bin/python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m brokkr install-service -vvv --account $ACCOUNT
    sudo /$PATH_TO_VENV/bin/python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m sindri install-service -vvv --mode $MODE --account $ACCOUNT --extra-args "$EXTRA_ARGS"
  • Restart services

    sudo systemctl start brokkr-hamma-default sindri-hamma-$MODE
  • Verify still running, no errors and functioning correctly after 60 seconds

    systemctl status brokkr-hamma-default sindri-hamma-$MODE


  • Activate the appropriate venv/conda environment

  • Clean local repo

    git clean -xdi
  • Update the packaging stack

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager build setuptools twine wheel
  • Build source distribution and wheel

    python -bb -X dev -W error -m build


  • Check Pylint

  • Check distribution archives

    twine check --strict dist/*
  • Check installation

    python -b -X dev -m pip install dist/serviceinstaller-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
  • Check environment

    pip check; python -I -bb -X dev -W error -c "import serviceinstaller; print(serviceinstaller.__version__)"
  • Check functionality with Brokkr and Sindri

    rm -f ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m brokkr install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable
    rm -f ../testservice/sindri-hamma-test.service && python -I -bb -X dev -W error -m sindri install-service -vvv --output-path ../testservice --platform linux --skip-enable --mode test
    ls -lha ../testservice
    less ../testservice/brokkr-hamma-default.service
    less ../testservice/sindri-hamma-test.service


  • Upload distribution packages to PyPI

    twine upload dist/*
  • Create release tag

    git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Serviceinstaller version $VERSION"
  • Merge the prepare-release branch to $MAIN_BRANCH, or the pull request

    git switch $MAIN_BRANCH && git merge $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH
  • If new major or minor version, create release branch and push

    git switch -c $RELEASE_BRANCH && git push -u origin $RELEASE_BRANCH && git push upstream $RELEASE_BRANCH && git switch $MAIN_BRANCH


  • Update __version__ in (increment to next, add .dev0)

  • Create a back to work commit with the next anticipated version on the branch

    git commit -m "Begin development of version $VERSION"
  • Reinstall the development version locally in editable mode

    python -b -X dev -m pip install -e .
  • Push new release commits and tags to $MAIN_BRANCH

    git push upstream $MAIN_BRANCH --follow-tags
  • Create a GitHub release from the tag with the changelog contents

  • Open a GitHub milestone as needed for the next release


  • On the Pi/server, install the released version from PyPI

    pip install serviceinstaller

    Or, pull the release branch, checkout the tag and editable-install

    git fetch --all && git switch $RELEASE_BRANCH && git checkout v$VERSION && pip install -e .


  • On the Pi/server, remove the clean test virtual environment

    rm -rfd test-env
  • Delete the prepare-release branch locally and on the Pi/server

    git branch -d $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH
  • Delete the prepare-release branch on the remote

    git push -d origin $PREPARE_RELEASE_BRANCH