var sample = require('sample');
var a = new sample;
a = {
v: null,// current/last value
n: 0, // count
s: 0, // sum
sq: 0, // sum squared
sl: 0, // sum log
sql: 0, // sum log squared
mn: 0, // min
mx: 0, // max
q: [], // quantiles (defaults to quartiles: [], define eta)
var b = new sample(a) // clone!
Get the values using the available functions:
- sample.stdev(a[,!arithmetic,geometric])
- sample.mean(a[,!arithmetic,geometric,harmonic,quadric])
- sample.variance(a)
- sample.sum(a)
- sample.range(a) // = max-min
- sample.min(a)
- sample.max(a)
- sample.product(a)
- sample.count(a)
// approximations
- sample.quantile(a,q) // approximation
- sample.median(a) // = sample.quantile(.5)
// maybe just keep internal?
- sample.sumSq(a)
- sample.sumLog(a)
- sample.sumSqLog(a)
var sample = require('sample')
, time = require('sample-time');
var a = new sample();
sets frames
& time
properties on the sample a
fps = Math.round( ( frames * 1000 ) / ( time - prevTime ) ) ms = time - startTime
Increments a number on the sample
count(a) // a.i++ count(a) // a.i++ count(a) // a.i++ count(a) // a.i++ count.sample(a) // sample(a,a.i); a.i = 0;
- count the number of times update() has been called during a frame
- count the number of extras has been added/removed during an update()
- count the collisions during an update()
+-----------------------+ |title Z| +-----------------------+ | x xxx | |xx xxxx xxxxx x | | xxx x xxx| | | | | +-----------------------+ |stdev: X mean: Y| +-----------------------+
Click "stdev: X" or "mean: Y" to toggle between:
- stdev
- mean (arithmetic,geometric,harmonic,quadric)
- median
- variance
- sum
- range
- min
- max
- product
- count
Click "title Z" to toggles between different samples.
Draw colored background lines for the "secondary" values (stdev/mean in ascii)
var sample = require('sample'); var time = require('sample-time'); var viz = require('sample-viz');
var a = new sample; var b = new sample; var c = new sample;
var va = new viz(a,{name:'frame time',unit:'ms'}); document.body.appendChild(va.div);
requestAnimationFrame(function render(){ requestAnimationFrame(render); time.start(a) // = a.startTime = now(); while(Math.random() > .1){ sample(c,Math.random()*1000) } time.end(a) // = sample(a,now()-a.startTime) time(b) // = b.frames++; b.startTime = b.startTime || now(); if( now() > b.startTime+1000 ) { sample(b,b.frames/(now()-b.startTime)); b.frames = 0; b.startTime = now(); } va.render() })