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DFP Interstitial Ads (Pre Google Mobile Ads SDK v: 8.0.0)

Can Soykarafakılı edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

Interstitial Ads will be rendered using DFPInterstitial through the HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingInterstitialCustomEvent adapter.


  • Ad Zone ID from the PubNative Publisher Dashboard
  • DFP Ad Unit ID for the Ad Placement that you want to request.

Demo App

You can find a demo app with code samples for this type of integration here.

Create a DFPInterstitial

  1. Declare a DFPInterstitial *dfpInterstitial property.


var dfpInterstitial: DFPInterstitial!


@property (nonatomic, strong) DFPInterstitial *dfpInterstitial;
  1. Instantiate the property that you have declared, passing in your DFP Ad Unit ID.


self.dfpInterstitial = DFPInterstitial(adUnitID: <YOUR DFP AD UNIT ID HERE>)


self.dfpInterstitial = [[DFPInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:<YOUR DFP AD UNIT ID HERE>];
  1. Register your view controller as the dfpInterstitial's delegate (GADInterstitialDelegate).


self.dfpInterstitial.delegate = self


self.dfpInterstitial.delegate = self;

For more information about DFP Interstitial integration, you can refer to the DFP Guide as well.

Create HyBid Ad Request

  1. Import HyBid into your class.


import HyBid


#import <HyBid/HyBid.h>
  1. Declare a HyBidInterstitialAdRequest *interstitialAdRequest property.


var interstitialAdRequest =  HyBidInterstitialAdRequest()


@property (nonatomic, strong) HyBidInterstitialAdRequest *interstitialAdRequest;
  1. Instantiate the property that you have declared. After this, you can request an Ad by, passing your Ad Zone ID and also your registered view controller as the interstitialAdRequest's delegate (HyBidAdRequestDelegate).


self.interstitialAdRequest.requestAd(with: self, withZoneID: <YOUR AD ZONE ID HERE>)


self.interstitialAdRequest = [[HyBidInterstitialAdRequest alloc] init];
[self.interstitialAdRequest requestAdWithDelegate:self withZoneID:<YOUR AD ZONE ID HERE>];

Request Ad from DFP

After the ad is successfully received from PubNative, the request should be made to DFP with some parameters that will help the ad be chosen properly in the DFP waterfall.

The HyBidHeaderBiddingUtils must be used so that the SDK can generate the proper keywords for the received ad.


extension ViewController : HyBidAdRequestDelegate
    func requestDidStart(_ request: HyBidAdRequest!)
        print("Request\(request) started")   
    func request(_ request: HyBidAdRequest!, didLoadWith ad: HyBidAd!)
        print("Request loaded with ad: \(ad)")
        let request = DFPRequest()
        request.customTargeting = HyBidHeaderBiddingUtils.createHeaderBiddingKeywordsDictionary(with: ad, with: TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES)
    func request(_ request: HyBidAdRequest!, didFailWithError error: Error!)
        print("Request\(request) failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")  


#pragma mark - HyBidAdRequestDelegate

- (void)requestDidStart:(HyBidAdRequest *)request
    NSLog(@"Request %@ started:",request);

- (void)request:(HyBidAdRequest *)request didLoadWithAd:(HyBidAd *)ad
    NSLog(@"Request loaded with ad: %@",ad);
    if (request == self.interstitialAdRequest) {
        DFPRequest *request = [DFPRequest request];
        request.customTargeting = [HyBidHeaderBiddingUtils createHeaderBiddingKeywordsDictionaryWithAd:ad withKeywordMode:TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES];
        [self.dfpInterstitial loadRequest:request];

- (void)request:(HyBidAdRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
    NSLog(@"Request %@ failed with error: %@",request,error.localizedDescription);

After making this request to DFP, it will run its waterfall and if the line item targeted by our keywords gets chosen, the HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingInterstitialCustomEvent adapter will be called to render the ad.

If the ad is ready to be shown, call presentFromRootViewController: on the interstitial, passing in your view controller.


extension ViewController : GADInterstitialDelegate
    func interstitialDidReceiveAd(_ ad: GADInterstitial)
       if (self.dfpInterstitial.isReady) {
            self.dfpInterstitial.present(fromRootViewController: self)
       } else {
           print("Ad wasn't ready")


#pragma mark - GADInterstitialDelegate

- (void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(GADInterstitial *)ad
    if (self.dfpInterstitial.isReady) {
        [self.dfpInterstitial presentFromRootViewController:self];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready");

<- MRect Ads (Pre Google Mobile Ads SDK v: 8.0.0)


Installations & Configurations

Displaying Ads with HyBid

Displaying Ads with Header Bidding with GAM


Advanced Setup

Integration Checklists for Publishers


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