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Ubuntu Installation
Document Version 0.1 (Jan 28th, 2015)
The intention of this document is to give prospective administrators more information about pump.io for use within their existing Ubuntu systems.
Pump.io is relatively simple to run, however there can be some difficulties surrounding database choice and installation.
It has also been noted that setting up the config file can be distro agnostic, and cause confusion for people who are wanting more specific answers.
In this example installation, we will be using the standard install information provided in the pump.io tutorial, and using it to configure pump.io specifically for Ubuntu.
Three Step Install Script (for testing)
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/debanjum/3c3e92de34d290a8bc68/raw/f2d86de263980e744a7ac1079c2863f49fe1c9d6/Pump.sh
chmod +x Pump.sh # Make script exectuable
sudo ./Pump.sh "local" # For local testing
# OR #
sudo ./Pump.sh "server" # For server testing, with external ip and hostname
apt-get install build-essential curl git python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs
apt-get install redis-server graphicsmagick screen
cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/e14n/pump.io.git # Clone the git repository
cd pump.io; npm install; cd .. # Install pump.io nodejs dependencies using npm
npm test # Test the install
cd pump.io; npm install databank-redis; cd .. # Install the redis driver in the pump.io directory.
useradd -M -c "Pump.io User" -g www-data pumpio # Adding user who will run pump.io
sudo passwd pumpio # Add passwd for 'pumpio' user
mkdir pump.io/uploads # Create pump.io upload directory
mv ~/pump.io /srv/ # Moving pump.io directory to /srv/
pump.io uses a JSON file for configuration.
The pump.io.json.sample
file should give you an idea of how to use it.
cp /srv/pump.io/pump.io.json.sample /etc/pump.io.json
nano /etc/pump.io.json # Alter the file according to your preferences.
If you choose, you can overwrite the content with the setup below. This will work with the default setup we've chosen. Don't forget to alter the details accordingly
"driver": "redis",
"params": {"host":"localhost","port":6379},
"secret": "<YOUR SECRET>", # add your own secret key
"noweb": false,
"site": "<YOUR DOMAIN>", # add your own sub/domain here
"owner": "<YOUR NAME/NICKNAME>", #add your own nick/name here
"ownerURL": "<YOUR URL>", # add a URL for your nick/name to link to
"bounce": true, # this pushes all requests on port 80, to 443
"port": 443,
"key": "<PATH TO YOUR SSL KEY>", # add the full path including file name
"cert": "<PATH TO YOUR SSL CERT>", # add the full path including file name
"hostname": "<YOUR HOST NAME>", # the hostname of your server
"address": "",
"nologger": false,
"serverUser": "pumpio",
"uploaddir": "/srv/pump.io/uploads",
"debugClient": false,
"firehose": "ofirehose.example",
To complete and save, press CTRL+X, press Y, then Enter.
- NOTE: For an SSL Certificate - for your domain/subdomain (Info here : StartSSL Free Certificate )
screen -S pumpserver -L -dm bash -c "cd /srv/pump.io; npm start" # Starting pump in screen
You should now be able to connect to you instance via http://YOUR SUB/DOMAIN This will push you to https://YOUR SUB/DOMAIN thanks to '"bounce": true' in the config file.
On the command line you can see the pump console by going into the running screen session by screen -r
If you don't see it, something went wrong - you can see the error messages in screenlog.0 by cat screenlog.0
# /etc/init.d/pumpio
# Provides: pump.io
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: starts pump.io as a background daemon
# Description: Starts pump.io on boot
# Author: Bob Mottram <[email protected]>
COMMAND="forever /srv/pump.io/bin/pump > /var/local/pump.io/daemon.log"
NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
pumpio_start() {
echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
pumpio_stop() {
echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
#Start-Stop here
case "$1" in
sleep 10s
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
If you find bugs, you can report them here:
You can also email evan at [email protected]