Virtual Box easy-peasy VM manager from command line A simple shell script to easy the start/shutdown and memory dump (Volatility 2 and 3 supported) of a VirtualBox VM
- Notes: is the VM to manage (1 file per VM)
Inside the vm file there are 2 variables:
VM_NAME="": variable with the VM name
VM_SNAPSHOT="": variable with snapshot name to revert to
- Main operations:
--start : Start VM
--stop : Shutdown VM
--dump-v2 [NAME] [LOCATION] : Dump VM memory as Volatility 2 compatible file [NAME] into [LOCATION]
--dump-v3 [NAME] [LOCATION] : Dump VM memory as Volatility 2 compatible file [NAME] into [LOCATION]
* Snapshot operations:--baseline : Revert to snapshot