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andyle2k committed Nov 14, 2016
1 parent 0b20ef0 commit 8b01a0c
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Showing 192 changed files with 84,235 additions and 0 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions UploaderUi.sln
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
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1,337 changes: 1,337 additions & 0 deletions Web/Add.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions Web/App_Code/ACASE.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for ACASE
/// </summary>
public static class ACASE
public static void InsertNewCase(HttpContext context)
string caseId = "";
var bm = new BoolMessage();
bm.Data = null;
var upCasePackage = AF.GetObjectFromJSON<UploadPackage>(context);
if (upCasePackage == null || upCasePackage == default(UploadPackage))
throw new Exception("Unable to parse incoming package");
caseId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_" + upCasePackage.username;
var dCase = new DbCase();
dCase.age = upCasePackage.case_details.age;
dCase.body = upCasePackage.case_details.body;
dCase.case_id = caseId; = DateTime.Now;
dCase.diagnostic_certainty_id = upCasePackage.case_details.diagnostic_certainty_id;
dCase.presentation = upCasePackage.case_details.presentation;
dCase.status = "PENDING";
dCase.status_message = "Inserted via Uploader UI";
dCase.suitable_for_quiz = upCasePackage.case_details.suitable_for_quiz;
dCase.system_id = upCasePackage.case_details.system_id;
dCase.title = upCasePackage.case_details.title;
dCase.username = upCasePackage.username;
bm = APetaPoco.PpInsert(dCase);
if (!bm.Success) { throw new Exception("Unable to insert case"); }
foreach (var st in upCasePackage.studies)
var dcmSt = ADCM.GetStudyFromStudyUid(st.study_uid);
var dSt = new DbStudy();
dSt.caption = st.caption;
dSt.case_id = caseId;
DateTime dt;
bool dtp = DateTime.TryParseExact(, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out dt);
if (dtp) { = dt; }
if(dcmSt != null && dcmSt != default(Study))
dSt.patient_dob = dcmSt.PatientDob;
dSt.patient_id = dcmSt.PatientId;
dSt.patient_name = dcmSt.PatientSurname.ToUpper() + ", " + dcmSt.PatientFirstname;
dSt.description = st.description;
dSt.findings = st.findings;
dSt.images = st.images;
dSt.modality = st.modality;
dSt.position = st.position;
dSt.study_uid = st.study_uid;
bm = APetaPoco.PpInsert(dSt);
if (!bm.Success) { throw new Exception("Unable to insert study"); }
foreach (var se in st.series)
var dSe = new DbSeries();
dSe.case_id = caseId;
dSe.description = se.description;
dSe.images = se.images;
dSe.series_uid = se.series_uid;
dSe.study_uid = st.study_uid;
dSe.crop_h = se.crop_h;
dSe.crop_w = se.crop_w;
dSe.crop_x = se.crop_x;
dSe.crop_y = se.crop_y;
dSe.window_wc = se.window_wc;
dSe.window_ww = se.window_ww;
dSe.end_image = se.end_image;
dSe.every_image = se.every_image;
dSe.start_image = se.start_image;
bm = APetaPoco.PpInsert(dSe);
if (!bm.Success) { throw new Exception("Unable to insert series"); }
InsertEvent("Successfully inserted case into database:\n" + caseId, "WEB", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dCase), dCase.case_id);
bm.Success = true;
bm.Data = null;
bm.Message = "Successfully inserted case into database";
AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm);
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { return; }
catch (Exception ex)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseId)) { ClearAllInDbWithCaseId(caseId); }
AF.ExceptionRespond(context, ex);
public static void GetCaseList(HttpContext context)
string username = context.Request["username"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
throw new Exception("No refresh provided");
string status = context.Request["status"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
throw new Exception("No status provided");
string conditionString = string.Format("[username] = '{0}' and [status] = '{1}'", username, status);
var bm = APetaPoco.PpRetrieveList<DbCase>("Cases", conditionString);
var resp = new TableResponse();
resp.Name = status + " Cases";
if (bm.Success) {
resp.Cases = (List<DbCase>)bm.Data;
foreach(var c in resp.Cases)
c.study_list = GetStudiesForCase(c.case_id);
else { AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm); }
bm = APetaPoco.PpGetScalar<int>("select count([Id]) from Cases where [username] = '" + username + "' and [status] = 'PENDING'");
if (bm.Success) { resp.PendingCount = (int)bm.Data; }
else { AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm); }
bm = APetaPoco.PpGetScalar<int>("select count([Id]) from Cases where [username] = '" + username + "' and [status] = 'COMPLETED'");
if (bm.Success) { resp.CompletedCount = (int)bm.Data; }
else { AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm); }
bm = APetaPoco.PpGetScalar<int>("select count([Id]) from Cases where [username] = '" + username + "' and [status] = 'ERROR'");
if (bm.Success) { resp.ErrorCount = (int)bm.Data; }
else { AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm); }
AF.StandardJSON(true, "Successfully retrieved cases for username: " + username, context, resp);
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { return; }
catch (Exception ex)
AF.ExceptionRespond(context, ex);

public static void GetSpecificCaseDetails(HttpContext context)
string caseid = context.Request["caseid"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseid)) { throw new Exception("No case id provided"); }
var bm = APetaPoco.PpRetrieveList<Event>("Events", "[InternalId] = '" + caseid + "'");
AF.BoolMessageRespond(context, bm);
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { return; }
catch (Exception ex)
AF.ExceptionRespond(context, ex);

private static List<DbStudy> GetStudiesForCase(string caseid)
var bm = APetaPoco.PpRetrieveList<DbStudy>("Studies", "[case_id] = '" + caseid + "'");
if (!bm.Success || bm.Data == null || bm.Data == default(List<DbStudy>))
throw new Exception("Unable to retrieve study list for case id: " + caseid);
var studies = (List<DbStudy>)bm.Data;
foreach(var st in studies)
bm = APetaPoco.PpRetrieveList<DbSeries>("Series", string.Format("[case_id] = '{0}' AND [study_uid] = '{1}'", caseid, st.study_uid));
if (!bm.Success || bm.Data == null || bm.Data == default(List<DbSeries>))
throw new Exception("Unable to retrieve series list for case id: " + caseid);
st.series = (List<DbSeries>)bm.Data;
return studies;
catch { return null; }

public static void ClearAllInDbWithCaseId(string caseid)
string condition = string.Format("[case_id] = '{0}'", caseid);
APetaPoco.DeleteSql("Cases", condition);
APetaPoco.DeleteSql("Studies", condition);
APetaPoco.DeleteSql("Series", condition);

public static void InsertEvent(string msg, string type, string data = null, string dcase = null, string dstudy = null, string dseries = null)
Event e = new Event();
e.Type = type;
e.Message = msg;
e.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
e.Data = data;
if (dcase != null)
e.InternalId = dcase;
if (dstudy != null)
e.StudyUid = dstudy;
if (dseries != null)
e.SeriesUid = dseries;
var bm = APetaPoco.PpInsert(e);

public class Event
public int Id { set; get; }
public DateTime TimeStamp { set; get; }
public string Type { set; get; }
public string InternalId { set; get; }
public string StudyUid { set; get; }
public string SeriesUid { set; get; }
public string Message { set; get; }
public string Data { set; get; }

public class TableResponse
public string Name;
public List<DbCase> Cases;
public int CompletedCount;
public int PendingCount;
public int ErrorCount;

public class DetailsResponse
public DbCase Case;
public List<Event> Events;

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