Any crazy ideas. these are not audited or even tested.
Minions runs arbitrary contract code after being approved by a dao proposal
file: minion/Minion.sol
description: standard minion contract
contributors: @wolflo @dekanbro
file: minion/Daedalus.sol
description: Minion type contract setup as a sub dao of a parent dao. Takes and extra an extra argument in the contractor to set parent dao and exposes a function to do withdraws from it. This is mainly a UX thing so withdraws do not require another proposal and go directly to the dao bank.
contributors: @dekanbro
file: minion/Icarus.sol
description: Minion type contract setup to execute early when some quorum of yes votes is met.
contributors: @dekanbro
file: minion/Epimetheus.sol
description: Minion type contract setup with added proposal dispute layer. After a minion proposal passes a dao vote, members have time window to dispute the proposal by deferring to an external arbitration contract chosen from a pre-defined list.
contributors: @heavychain @dekanbro @burrrata
Vaults are proposal helpers that have some token balance that can be offered through tribute
file: vaults/Transmutation.sol
description: transfer some token ant some exchange rate to the dao when payment is requested of depositToken
contributors: @dekanbro
file: vaults/Transvolution.sol
file: TBD
Other totally random stuff
Bone them young so they metempsychosis. That we live after death. Our souls. That a man’s soul after he dies. Dignam’s soul...
file: other/Navidson.sol
description: An airdrop type contract for moloch members. Based on the lexdao dripdrop contract, modified so moloch handles membership.
file: other/Whalestoe.sol
description: a readonly token wrapper around moloch shares. This allows Metamask or other wallets looking for balanceOf to see the shares.
file: TBD
description: Thoughts scatter at a monent's notice like birds startled by a shot