This project demonstrates a basic proof of file existence DApp. This application store user's files in IPFS and corresponding file metadata in blockchain. This application allows users to prove existence of some information by showing a time stamped picture/video.
This application retrieves all the previously uploaded files by a user along with time stamped file metadata to allow other people to verify data authenticity.
User can also add new files to IPFS along with existence proof in blockchain by using simple drag and drop feature.
Make sure you have node.js and npm installed.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies
git clone
cd ProofOfExistance
npm install
Install and run ganache-cli
npm install -g ganache-cli
Import the mnemonic returned in above command into the Metamask browser extension to interact with the DApp.
Configure metamask to connect to http://localhost:8545
Install and run truffle to compile and migrate smart contracts
npm install truffle -g
truffle compile
truffle migrate
Now, run the application using
npm run start
see the interface at http://localhost:3000