all details and benchmark in the PDF file : Rapport Projet System M1.pdf
a popular exemple of POSIX IPC is -> mqueue.h
Custom Atomic Guaranteed limit
Thread Safe ( Multiprocessing or Multithreading)
Blocking read,write,write_eof
Non Blocking read,write,write_eof
Vectored read,write
Compliant operations (try to read or write as far as ask by user while respecting atomic limit and blocking mode)
Message queue can be anonymous or maped in a file
Code Correctness (All systemCall and Mutex Operations return values are tested)
- The define MODE_MEMCPY at TRUE use the memcpy function from standard C library else it don't
2) concurrentconduct.c is concurrent and not lock-free (Writer and Reader can use at the same time the Circular-Buffer)
- There is 2 implementation possible :
MPMC -> multiple producer multiple consumer solutions
SPSC -> single producer single consumer solutions
without argument , compile the test FILES with the not concurrent implementation of conducts
make conc
with argument "conc" , compile the test FILES with the concurrent implementation of conducts
#define MODE_FILE 1 named file mode
#define MODE_BLOCK 1 mode blocking
threads ORDER write in Conduct 1 || threads WORKER read in Conduct 1 and after write in conduct 2 || threads RESULT read Conduct 2
#define QSIZE 100 the number of oder per threads
#define MODE_COND 1 mode conduct is activate , others are not
#define MODE_PIPE 0
#define MODE_SOCKET 0
- Robust Mutex
- Signals corectness
strace -c -f ./julia time ./julia
more details in the PDF file