- Need help with web3.unity or found a bug? Be sure to read the documentation above, then review existing issues or create a new one here. This is the best way to get help from the ChainSafe Gaming team.
- Need help from the community, including quesitons not related to web3.unity? Ask in #community-code-support on Discord.
- Have an idea for a new feature that would improve web3.unity? Create a feature request here.
- Have a code contribution you'd like to make directly? Make a pull request to this repo!
- Join our community! Say hi on Discord in #web3unity-gaming-general and share your project built with web3.unity in #gaming-showcase.
We take all security issues seriously, if you believe you have found a security issue within a ChainSafe project please notify us immediately. If an issue is confirmed, we will take all necessary precautions to ensure a statement and patch release is made in a timely manner.
Please email us a description of the flaw and any related information (e.g. reproduction steps, version) to security at chainsafe dot io.