A simple Python script to parse Missile Datcom Output File. This was developed long time ago when I was a student at https://www.aero.polimi.it/ and member of https://skywarder.eu
This simple Command Line script converts the for006.dat
Missile Datcom 97 output file to a MATLAB .mat
file. It has been implemented to retrieve the data for a standard simulation without deflections.
The version is pre-alpha so it could behave very buggy.
python datcom_parser.py filename
The filename is optional. Without it the parser will look for the `for006.dat' file.
The Output file is composed by two structures: Coeffs
and State
contains all the aerodynamic coefficients interpolated over the 4 states (AoA, Mach, Altitude, Sideslip angles) and the struct State
contains the set of states (Aoa, Mach, Altitude, Sideslip Angle) the coefficients have been calculated on and the position of the center of gravity.
Coeffs =
CAQ: [4-D double]
CLNP: [4-D double]
CMA: [4-D double]
CL_CD: [4-D double]
CMQ: [4-D double]
CLNB: [4-D double]
CYR: [4-D double]
CYP: [4-D double]
CMAD: [4-D double]
CNQ: [4-D double]
CYB: [4-D double]
CNAD: [4-D double]
CLL: [4-D double]
CLN: [4-D double]
CN: [4-D double]
CM: [4-D double]
CL: [4-D double]
CA: [4-D double]
CD: [4-D double]
CY: [4-D double]
CLNR: [4-D double]
CNA: [4-D double]
CLLB: [4-D double]
CLLP: [4-D double]
CLLR: [4-D double]
X_C_P: [4-D double]
State =
Altitudes: [3x1 double]
Alphas: [19x1 double]
Mom. Center: 1.5500
Betas: [5x1 double]
Machs: [3x1 double]