This is very early: there's barely anything here.
Rough design:
- test runner is given a specific client wrapper as argument
- The client wrapper is an executable that implements a client-under-test CLI (to be defined) -- each tested client will need a wrapper. That wrapper is responsible for doing the request TUF client operations and also for making the client metadata cache available in the given location
- test runner runs a single web server that individual tests can attach a simulated TUF repository to
- each test sets up a simulated repository, attaches it to the server, runs the client-under-test against that repository. It can then modify the repository state and run the client-under-test again
- the idea is that the test can verify that the client success/failure, it's internal metadata state and the requests it made are correct -- this is mostly unimplemented
I suggest using a venv but anywhere works:
pip install -e .
There's one half-written test wrapper for python-tuf ngclient. The test suite contains one half implemented test.
Run that test:
python tuf_conformance/ "python clients/"