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Individual User Space and Edit Profile Page

Bhavika Tibrewal edited this page Nov 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

Individual User Space

Basic Details

  • Name, Bio, Photo, Resume link, Website url


  • Active Posts created by the user


  • Blogs they have on their React play page (to be implemented later)

Socials (will have a limit)

  • Show them with icons


  • Assigned based on contribution

Expertise level

  • One Selected from the options available in dropdown


  • User can select multiple from the options available or create new ones also


  • Users will have the option to add testimonials on other users page
  • Store and display who wrote the testimonial and when.

User Analytics

  • Last play created date
  • No of Plays

Edit Profile Page

  1. Edit Name, Bio, Resume link, Website url
  2. Update Photo Link by uploading new image
  3. Add or remove Social links upto specific number of links
  4. Add or remove Skills
  5. Option to Manually Enter Blog Links


  1. Bring the user icon and on click should authenticate and navigate to the user profile. @Nagarjun - COMPLETED
  2. Build Individual user profile page - Layout ->Bhavika
  3. User profile - left side. -> Bhavika
  4. User profile - right side. -> Nagarjun
  5. Connect users (wherever listed in the UI) to the user profile.