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Gadgets API

This API provides endpoints for managing gadgets, including listing, adding, updating, deleting, and self-destructing gadgets. It also includes authentication endpoints for registration and login.


Gadget Management

  • List all gadgets with success probability:

    • GET http://localhost:PORT/gadgets
    • Returns a list of all gadgets with their associated success probabilities.
  • All details of all gadgets:

    • GET http://localhost:PORT/all
    • Returns detailed information about all gadgets.
  • Add a gadget:

    • POST http://localhost:PORT/gadgets
    • Body (JSON):
        "name": "name",
        "status": "Available" || "Deployed" || "Destroyed" || "Decommissioned"
    • Creates a new gadget with the provided name and status. Valid status values are "Available", "Deployed", "Destroyed", and "Decommissioned".
  • Modify/Update details of a gadget:

    • PATCH http://localhost:PORT/gadgets/:id
    • :id represents the unique identifier of the gadget to be updated.
    • Body (JSON - can contain any of the fields from the POST request to update specific fields):
        "name": "new name",
        "status": "Deployed" //Example
    • Updates the details of the specified gadget.
  • Delete/Decommission a gadget:

    • DELETE http://localhost:PORT/gadgets/:id
    • :id represents the unique identifier of the gadget to be deleted/decommissioned.
    • Deletes or marks the specified gadget as decommissioned.
  • Self-destruct any gadget:

    • POST http://localhost:PORT/gadgets/:id/self-destruct
    • :id represents the unique identifier of the gadget to be self-destructed.
    • Triggers the self-destruction process for the specified gadget. Requires authentication (see below).


  • Register:

    • POST http://localhost:PORT/auth/register
    • Body (JSON):
        "email": "email",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "confirmPassword"
    • Registers a new user. Password and confirmPassword must match.
  • Login:

    • POST http://localhost:PORT/auth/login
    • Body (JSON):
        "email": "email",
        "password": "password"
    • Logs in an existing user and returns a token.


All the endpoints except GET requires authentication. You must include a valid bearer token in the Authorization header of your request. You can obtain a token by registering and then logging in using the authentication endpoints.

Error Handling

The API will return appropriate HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Error responses will typically include a JSON body with details about the error.

Base URL

The base URL for all API endpoints is http://localhost:PORT. Replace PORT with the actual port number your API is running on.