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Volograms js reader for three.js.
Play in a browser volumetric videos produced by Volograms App.

Try it :

npm package

Install from npm

npm i volograms-js

Code snippet

//import three.js and volograms-js
import * as THREE from 'three'
import {Vologram} from 'volograms-js'

//setup threejs scene

let vologram = new Vologram(url, p => console.log("loading...", p))

Install from CDN or static hosting - es module

No volograms.module.js is generated. It will directly use the js es6 code. See demo jsm html above.

<!-- related with threejs -->
<!-- Import maps polyfill -->
<!-- Remove this when import maps will be widely supported -->
<script async src="[email protected]/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script>
<script type="importmap">
            "imports": {
                "three": "[email protected]/build/three.module.js"

<script type="module">
    import * as THREE from 'three'
    import {OrbitControls} from '[email protected]/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js'
    import {Vologram} from '' //replace latest with version eg 0.1.116 for production usage

    // code

Install from <script> umd (no module)

This is not possible as no build is generated. I'm not really of fan of committing compiled code in github. Need to try or or


Options can be provided in constructor, eg new Vologram(url, () => {}, {texture: 'texture_2048_h264.mp4'})

Key Comment Default value
texture Video texture filename texture_1024_h264.mp4
header Header filename header.vols
sequence Sequence filename sequence_0.vols
autoplay Autoplay when loaded. Could not work anymore because of Chrome policy false
fps Frames per seconds 30

Sound & Play/Pause

This lib uses and exposes the standard HTMLVideoElement; most common methods are:

  • pause: vologram.elVideo.pause()
  • play:
  • unmute: vologram.elVideo.muted = false. Remember that usually playing and unmuted video, needs an user interaction (to avoid annoying him with unwanted sound / advertising)
  • seek: vologram.elVideo.currentTime = 1.5. In seconds

Difference with official plugin

Volograms released recently their npm plugin @volograms/web_vol_lib

Differences :

  • their uses wasm, but mine don't, however both should have same performance
  • mine can be used in one line using the constructor new Vologram()


Unsynced texture with geometry

If the volumetric video blink (texture not always synced with geometry) please send me the data files and information about your system (OS + Browser). Some explanation: as the frame is not encoded in the texture, we have to guess/calculated it. This is possible as the video have constant framerate (1/30) however I figured out that some started at 0 and other at 0.02322. And this is possible than for other it could also be different.

Multiple Three.js

If WARNING: Multiple instances of Three.js being imported. See

Unsynced and low sound

The volograms I recorded have a slight offset between the texture and the sound and a low sound. The problem is independent of my plugin and comes from the vologram generation. However, you can easily fix it with the use of ffmpeg:

  • To delay 0.5s the sound : ffmpeg -i texture_1024_h264.mp4 -itsoffset 0.5 -i texture_1024_h264.mp4 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy texture_1024_h264_delayed.mp4
  • To increase the sound : ffmpeg -i texture_1024_h264.mp4 -filter:a "volume=3" -vcodec copy texture_1024_h264_louder.mp4 (or use js createGain()).

Note to older myself

Demo build

That lib doesn't have any build to be imported by external app. We rely on skypack or cdn to access e6 modules.
That lib could be published without the webpack build, examples folder and demo.js file.
Thoses files are only here for testing and example purpose.
I should split the reusable code to be imported with the demo code. And provide the built file which can be imported (using rollup? Use webpack for apps, and Rollup for libraries).

Improve that lib

git clone
cd volograms-js
npm install
npm run start
# open https://localhost:9000/
# open https://localhost:9000/index-jsm.html

Use local checkout package in my project

npm i volograms-js@../volograms-js/

Publish new version on npm

npm version 0.1.1 npm publish