- Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank, Richard Socher, Alex Perelygin, Jean Wu, Jason Chuang, Christopher Manning, Andrew Ng and Christopher Potts, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2013)
rntn.py, the main program
rntn_dictionary.py, dictionary class for phrases
phrase_tree.py, classes for sentences, phrases, and individual tokens
binary_tree.py, not actually part of the program, but contains a postorder traversal method for binary trees that could be used to sort individual tree nodes to allow bottom-up or top-down traversal of a tree without recursion
toydata, a very small dataset (9 hand-made sentences), for debugging or demo purposes. The format of this is the same as that of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank, downloadable from Stanford.
checkpoints, a directory for storing parameter checkpoint files
###For a long list of options:
python rntn.py --help
(Note: the docopt options processor is unforgiving, and unfortunately not very informative if the options are not a perfect match for what it expects. My apologies, I didn't find out until I was committed to using it.
###Training (first time):
python rntn.py train --data-from=toydata --learning-rate=0.001 --wvlr=0.001 --lambda=1.0 --report-interval=100 --validate-interval=100 --checkpoint-interval=100 --checkpoint-base=rntn_test --checkpoint-dir=checkpoints --log-name=rntn-test.log --word-vector-size=10 --cost-threshold=1.0 --check-training=True --batch-size=3
###Training (continuing with saved parameters):
python rntn.py train --data-from=toydata --learning-rate=0.001 --wvlr=0.001 --lambda=1.0 --report-interval=100 --validate-interval=100 --checkpoint-interval=100 --checkpoint-base=rntn_test --checkpoint-dir=checkpoints --log-name=rntn-test.log --word-vector-size=10 --cost-threshold=1.0 --check-training=True --batch-size=3 --params-from=checkpoints/rntn_test_20160331_145700_700.pickle
###Gradient checking:
python rntn.py check-grad --data-from=toydata --epsilon=1e-4
Starting at Wed Apr 13 09:16:39 2016
Vocabulary size from toydata is 35 items.
Cost = 2.60940033377, epsilon=0.0001
Value Numeric Analytical Delta Ratio
V: 0.00011167273623868823 0.00011167274614379296 -0.00000000000990510473 0.99999991130239851422
W: -0.00005486056397785433 -0.00005486045947551031 -0.00000000010450234401 1.00000190487547890861
Ws: -0.00001717166742309928 -0.00001717167076831377 0.00000000000334521449 0.99999980518992404033
W_bias: -0.00002682896047190297 -0.00002682896813902627 0.00000000000766712330 0.99999971422220712558
Ws_bias: -0.00000427663326263428 -0.00000429158334580571 0.00000001495008317143 0.99651641784237066091
L: -0.00007661323182941551 -0.00007661323182941551 0.00000000000000000000 1.00000000000000000000
Largest difference was 0.000046003162424, at index 4211
###To check prediction accuracy:
python rntn.py accuracy validation --params-from=checkpoints/rntn_test_20160331_145718_800.pickle