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Printformer PHP SDK

License: MIT Latest Stable Version Total Downloads GitHub Workflow Status (event) GitHub Workflow Status (event)


composer require risscsolutions/printformer-php-sdk


Create a new Instance of the printformer-SDK

use Rissc\Printformer;

$config = [
    'base_uri' => 'YOUR printformer URL',
    'identifier' => 'YOUR TENANT IDENTIFIER',
    'api_key' => 'YOUR TENANT API KEY',

$printformer = new Printformer($config);

Create a new User

$pfUser = $this->printformer->clientFactory()->user()->create([
    'first_name' => 'John',
    'last_name' => 'Doe',
    'locale' => 'en',
    'email' => '[email protected]', 

Create a new Draft

by passing an array to the DraftClient

$draftClient = $printformer->clientFactory()->draft();
$draft = $draftClient
        'templateIdentifier' => 'YOUR MASTER TEMPLATE IDENTIFIER',
        'user_identifier' => $pfUser->getIdentifier(),
        'intent' => 'customize'

or with a fluid builder

$draftBuilder = $printformer->builderFactory()->draft();
$draft = $draftBuilder

Create a URL to the Editor

$url = (string)$printformer->urlGenerator()->editor()
        ->callbackCancel('https://YOUR-CANCEL-CALLBACK-URL-HERE') // Optional, if omitted the callback URL is used
        ->callbackHalt('https://YOUR-HALT-CALLBACK-URL-HERE') // Optional, if omitted the callbackCancel URL is used
        ->step('preview') // Optional, if omitted the editor jumps to the last visited step

Create a Print PDF

    [$draft->getIdentifier(), $otherDraft->getIdentifier()],

Create a URL to the Print PDF

->expiresAt((new \DateTimeImmutable())->modify('+1 hour'))

Replicate a draft

$draftClient = $printformer->clientFactory()->draft();
$draft = $draftClient
    ->replicate($draft, []);