In order to generate all requirements files:
The following command must be executed:
This guide outlines the steps for generating an example OpenShift Lightspeed database for RAG.
The database can be generated manually, or in a container.
Container base generation entails simply calling the appropriate make target:
make build-image-ocp-example
Install the dependencies and activate the virtualenv:
pdm install
source .venv/bin/activate
The command below downloads the OCP documentation version 4.15 and converts it to plain text:
./scripts/ 4.15
Note, this step requires the command "asciidoctor" to be installed. See for installation instructions.
Download the runbooks by running the following script:
The embedding model used by OpenShift Lightspeed is the sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2, in order to download it run the following command:
./scripts/ -l ./embeddings_model/ -r sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2
In order to generating the RAG vector database using the sentend-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 embedding model and OpenShift documentation version 4.15 run the following commands:
mkdir -p vector_db/ocp_product_docs/4.15
./scripts/ -o ./vector_db/ocp_product_docs/4.15 -f ocp-product-docs-plaintext/4.15/ -r runbooks/ -md embeddings_model/ -mn sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 -v 4.15 -i ocp-product-docs-4_15
Once the command is done, you can find the vector database at vector_db/, the embedding model at embeddings_model/ and the Index ID set to ocp-product-docs-4_15.
These dictories and index ID can now be used to configure OpenShift Lightspeed.