This application provides a visual representation of your organization's structure through an interactive chart interface. It allows users to filter employees by team, search for specific employees, and drag-and-drop to update reporting relationships.
Filtering by Team: Filter employees by their assigned teams to focus on specific groups.
Search Functionality: Search for employees by their name or designation to quickly locate them in the chart.
Interactive Chart: Drag and drop employees to update their reporting relationships directly on the chart.
Responsive Design: The application interface is optimized for various screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience on desktop and mobile devices.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
npm install
node server.js
Go to path:
Start the Application:
yarn build
Access the Application: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
Upon launching the application, you will see the organization chart displayed on the screen. Use the filter dropdown to filter employees by their assigned teams. Enter a search query in the search box to find specific employees by name or designation. Click and drag an employee node to update their reporting relationship within the organization.
OrgChart.js - Interactive organizational chart library
Tippy.js - Tooltip library for interactive popover functionality