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The documentation of the Plant Imager project can be found here:

The API documentation of the plantdb library can be found here:


This library is intended to:

  1. provide a Python API to interact with the data, as for the plant-3d-vision library
  2. run in the background as a REST API serving JSON information from the DB, as for the plant-3d-explorer library


We strongly advise to create isolated environments to install the ROMI libraries.

We often use conda as an environment and python package manager. If you do not yet have miniconda3 installed on your system, have a look here.

The plantdb package is available from the romi-eu channel.

Existing conda environment

To install the plantdb conda package in an existing environment, first activate it, then proceed as follows:

conda install plantdb -c romi-eu

New conda environment

To install the plantdb conda package in a new environment, here named romi, proceed as follows:

conda create -n romi plantdb -c romi-eu

Installation from sources

To install this library, simply clone the repo and use pip to install it and the required dependencies. Again, we strongly advise to create a conda environment, here named plantdb.

All this can be done as follows:

git clone -b dev  # git clone the 'dev' branch of plantdb
cd plantdb
conda create -n plantdb 'python =3.10'
conda activate plantdb  # do not forget to activate your environment!
python -m pip install -e .  # install the sources

Note that the -e option is to install the plantdb sources in "developer mode". That is, if you make changes to the source code of plantdb you will not have to pip install it again.

Tests the library

First you need to install the tests tools:

python -m pip install -e .[test]

Then, to test the plantdb library:

  • Run all tests with verbose output (from the plantdb root directory):
    nose2 -s tests/ -v
  • Run all tests with coverage report (from the plantdb root directory):
    nose2 -s tests/ --with-coverage

Getting started

Set up a local database

  1. You need to create a directory where to put the data, e.g. /data/ROMI_DB and add a file called romidb:
    mkdir -p /data/ROMI_DB
    touch /data/ROMI_DB/romidb
  2. Then define its location in an environment variable ROMI_DB:
    export ROMI_DB=/data/ROMI_DB


To permanently set this directory as the location of the DB, add it to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file.

Example datasets

To populate your database with example datasets, you may use the shared_fsdb CLI as follows:

shared_fsdb $ROMI_DB --dataset all

Docker image

A docker image, named roboticsmicrofarms/plantdb, is distributed by the ROMI group. If you want to use it, simply do:

docker run -p 5000:5000 -v $ROMI_DB:/myapp/db -it roboticsmicrofarms/plantdb

Obviously you have to install docker first!


Python API

Here is a minimal example how to use the plantdb library in Python:

# Get the environment variable $ROMI_DB
import os

db_path = os.environ['ROMI_DB']
# Use it to connect to DB:
from plantdb import FSDB

db = FSDB(db_path)
# Access to a dataset named `real_plant` (from the example database)
dataset = db.get_scan("real_plant")
# Get the 'images' fileset contained in this dataset
img_fs = dataset.get_fileset('images')

A detailed documentation of the Python API is available here:

Serve the REST API

Then you can start the REST API with fsdb_rest_api:

fsdb_rest_api -db $ROMI_DB

You should see something like:

n scans = 5
 * Serving Flask app "fsdb_rest_api" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Open your favorite browser here:

A detailed documentation of the REST API is available here:

Developers & contributors

Unitary tests

Some tests are defined in the tests directory. We use nose2 to call them as follows:

nose2 -v -C


  • the configuration file used by nose2 is unittests.cfg
  • the -C option generate a coverage report, as defined by the .coveragerc file.
  • this requires the nose2 & coverage packages listed in the requirements.txt file.

You first have to install the library from sources as explained here.

Conda packaging

Start by installing the required conda-build & anaconda-client conda packages in the base environment as follows:

conda install -n base conda-build anaconda-client

Build a conda package

To build the romitask conda package, from the root directory of the repository and the base conda environment, run:

conda build conda/recipe/ -c conda-forge --user romi-eu

If you are struggling with some of the modifications you made to the recipe, notably when using environment variables or Jinja2 stuffs, you can always render the recipe with:

conda render conda/recipe/

The official documentation for conda-render can be found here.

Upload a conda package

To upload the built packages, you need a valid account (here romi-eu) on & to log ONCE with anaconda login, then:

anaconda upload ~/miniconda3/conda-bld/linux-64/plantdb*.tar.bz2 --user romi-eu

Clean builds

To clean the source and build intermediates:

conda build purge

To clean ALL the built packages & build environments:

conda build purge-all

Docker & scripts

To facilitate the use of docker, we created two scripts, &, located in the docker folder in the sources.

To build a new roboticsmicrofarms/plantdb image, from the root folder, simply do:


To run the latest roboticsmicrofarms/plantdb image, from the root folder, simply do:


Use the -h option to get help on using the scripts.