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Rails + Hotwire Template

CI Code Climate Test Coverage

Rails + Hotwire Base is a boilerplate project for full-stack Rails apps with a modern SPA-like experience. It follows the community best practices in terms of standards, security and maintainability, integrating a variety of testing and code quality tools. It's based on Rails 6 and Ruby 3.0.

Finally, it contains a plug and play Administration console (thanks to ActiveAdmin).


This template comes with:

  • Schema
    • Users table
    • Admin users table
  • Endpoints
    • Sign up with user credentials
    • Sign in with user credentials
    • Sign out
    • Reset password
    • Show and update user profile
  • Administration panel for users
  • Rspec tests
  • Code quality tools
  • Docker support

How to use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install PostgreSQL in case you don't have it
  3. Run with the name of your your project like ./ my_awesome_project
  4. rspec and make sure all tests pass
  5. rails s
  6. You can now try your app!

How to use with docker

  1. Have docker and docker-compose installed (You can check this by doing docker -v and docker-compose -v)
  2. Modify the following lines in the database.yml file:
default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: 5
  username: postgres
  password: postgres
  host: db
  port: 5432
  1. Generate a secret key for the app by running docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="" web rake secret, copy it and add it in your environment variables.
  2. Run docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="" web rails db:create db:migrate.
    1. (Optional) Seed the database with an AdminUser for use with ActiveAdmin by running docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="" web rails db:seed. The credentials for this user are: email: [email protected] ; password: password.
  3. (Optional) If you want to deny access to the database from outside of the docker-compose network, remove the ports key in the docker-compose.yml from the db service.
  4. (Optional) Run the tests to make sure everything is working with: docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="" web rspec ..
  5. Run the application with docker-compose up.
  6. You can now try your app!


Optional configuration

  • Set your mail sender in config/initializers/devise.rb
  • Config your timezone accordingly in application.rb.

Hotwire with Redis

Turbo Streams uses Action Cable to deliver asynchronous updates to subscribers. This feature allows the user to receive live updates through websockets.

Action Cable relies on redis as subscription adapter for production environment.

With just a little configuration you can make it work.

# config/cable.yml

  adapter: redis
  url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %>

Code quality

With rails code_analysis you can run the code analysis tool, you can omit rules with:

  • Rubocop Edit .rubocop.yml
  • Reek Edit .reek.yml
  • Rails Best Practices Edit config/rails_best_practices.yml
  • Brakeman Run brakeman -I to generate config/brakeman.ignore
  • Bullet You can add exceptions to a bullet initializer or in the controller

Configuring Code Climate

  1. After adding the project to CC, go to Repo Settings
  2. On the Test Coverage tab, copy the Test Reporter ID
  3. Set the current value of CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID in the CI project env variables

Code Owners

You can use CODEOWNERS file to define individuals or teams that are responsible for code in the repository.

Code owners are automatically requested for review when someone opens a pull request that modifies code that they own.


Rails + Hotwire Base is maintained by Rootstrap with the help of our contributors.