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Summit Agenda

rrrutledge edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 8 revisions

What is needed from code search?

  • Help with tax problem
  • To find users/partners
  • To find shared (inner source) projects

Define how collaboration happens on SeazMe

  • On-boarding other new people.
  • How are trusted committers chosen/managed.

Prioritize documentation to do.

  • What is SeazMe? Why is it important?
  • How do I set it up?
    • Loren to document the steps in MD to get data hub set up.

Prioritize feature roadmap (backlog).

  • Reflected externally.

Talks to submit to the Fall InnerSource summit

  • Open sourcing your inner sourcing.

What models/approaches do we use to show data on the progression and success of inner source?

How does SeazMe relate to the Bitergia suite (ideal)?

What will happen with open sourcing the deployment scripts?

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