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Merge pull request #1752 from rstudio/uv-permit-system-python
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Support resolving system python versions by `py_require()`
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t-kalinowski authored Feb 28, 2025
2 parents e3378de + 0bbaaa8 commit 1b67aec
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Showing 8 changed files with 180 additions and 77 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# reticulate (development version)

- Reticulate-managed `uv` can now resolve system-installed Pythons,
supporting platforms where pre-built binaries are unavailable, such as
musl-based Alpine Linux (#1751, #1752).

- `uv_run_tool()` gains an `exclude_newer` argument (#1748).

- Internal changes to support R-devel (4.5) (#1747).
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182 changes: 123 additions & 59 deletions R/py_require.R
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Expand Up @@ -90,13 +90,19 @@
#' rm -r "$(uv tool dir)"
#' ```
#' If `uv` is not installed, `reticulate` will automatically download `uv` and
#' store it along with ephemeral environments and all downloaded artifacts in
#' the `tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "cache")` directory. To clear this
#' cache, simply delete the directory:
#' If `uv` is not installed, `reticulate` will automatically download it and
#' store it along with ephemeral environments in the
#' `tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "cache")` directory. Python binaries
#' downloaded by `uv` to create ephemeral virtual environments are stored in
#' `tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "data")`. To clear this cache, simply delete
#' these directories:
#' ```r
#' # delete uv and ephemeral virtual environments
#' unlink(tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "cache"), recursive = TRUE)
#' # delete python binaries
#' unlink(tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "data"), recursive = TRUE)
#' ```
#' @param packages A character vector of Python packages to be available during
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,24 +560,28 @@ uv_binary <- function(bootstrap_install = TRUE) {
! && ver >= required_version

uv <- Sys.getenv("RETICULATE_UV", NA)
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {
repeat {
uv <- Sys.getenv("RETICULATE_UV", NA)
if (! {
if (uv == "managed") break else return(path.expand(uv))

uv <- getOption("reticulate.uv_binary")
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {
uv <- getOption("reticulate.uv_binary")
if (!is.null(uv)) {
if (uv == "managed") break else return(path.expand(uv))

uv <- as.character(Sys.which("uv"))
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {
uv <- as.character(Sys.which("uv"))
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {

uv <- path.expand("~/.local/bin/uv")
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {
uv <- path.expand("~/.local/bin/uv")
if (is_usable_uv(uv)) {


uv <- reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "bin", if (is_windows()) "uv.exe" else "uv")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,7 +611,7 @@ uv_binary <- function(bootstrap_install = TRUE) {
# stop("Unable to download Python dependencies. Please install `uv` manually.")
if(debug <- Sys.getenv("_RETICULATE_DEBUG_UV_") == "1")
if (debug_uv <- Sys.getenv("_RETICULATE_DEBUG_UV_") == "1")
system2 <- system2t

if (is_windows()) {
Expand All @@ -610,16 +620,18 @@ uv_binary <- function(bootstrap_install = TRUE) {
system2("powershell", c(
"-ExecutionPolicy", "ByPass", "-c",
sprintf("irm %s | iex", utils::shortPathName(install_uv))),
stdout = if (debug) "" else FALSE,
stderr = if (debug) "" else FALSE
stdout = if (debug_uv) "" else FALSE,
stderr = if (debug_uv) "" else FALSE

} else {

Sys.chmod(install_uv, mode = "0755")
withr::with_envvar(c("UV_UNMANAGED_INSTALL" = dirname(uv)), {
system2(install_uv, c(if (!debug) "--quiet"))
stdout = if (debug_uv) "" else FALSE,
stderr = if (debug_uv) "" else FALSE)

Expand All @@ -641,13 +653,17 @@ uv_get_or_create_env <- function(packages = py_reqs_get("packages"),
if (isTRUE(attr(uv, "reticulate-managed", TRUE)))
UV_CACHE_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "cache"),
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "python")
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_data_dir("uv", "python")

resolved_python_version <-
resolve_python_version(constraints = python_version, uv = uv)

if (!length(resolved_python_version)) {
return() # error?

# capture args; maybe used in error message later
call_args <- list(
packages = packages,
Expand All @@ -672,7 +688,7 @@ uv_get_or_create_env <- function(packages = py_reqs_get("packages"),
uv_args <- c(
"--python-preference", "only-managed",
# "--python-preference", "managed",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -762,15 +778,15 @@ uv_run_tool <- function(tool,
if (isTRUE(attr(uv, "reticulate-managed", TRUE)))
UV_CACHE_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "cache"),
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "python")
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_data_dir("uv", "python")
python <- resolve_python_version(constraints = python_version, uv = uv)
system2(uv, c(
"--python", resolve_python_version(constraints = python_version),
if (length(python)) c("--python", python),
if (length(exclude_newer)) c("--exclude-newer", exclude_newer),
if (length(from)) c("--from", maybe_shQuote(from)),
if (length(with)) c(rbind("--with", maybe_shQuote(with))),
Expand All @@ -795,27 +811,83 @@ is_reticulate_managed_uv <- function(uv = uv_binary(bootstrap_install = FALSE))

# return a dataframe of python options sorted by default reticulate preference
uv_python_list <- function(uv = uv_binary()) {

if (isTRUE(attr(uv, "reticulate-managed", TRUE)))
UV_CACHE_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "cache"),
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_data_dir("uv", "python")

if (Sys.getenv("_RETICULATE_DEBUG_UV_") == "1")
system2 <- system2t

x <- system2(uv, c("python list",
"--python-preference only-managed",
# "--only-downloads",
# "--only-installed",
# "--python-preference only-managed",
# "--python-preference only-system",
"--color never",
"--output-format json"
stdout = TRUE

x <- jsonlite::parse_json(x)
x <- unlist(lapply(x, `[[`, "version"))

# to parse default `--output-format text`
# x <- grep("^cpython-", x, value = TRUE)
# x <- sub("^cpython-([^-]+)-.*", "\\1", x)
x <- jsonlite::parse_json(x, simplifyVector = TRUE)

x <- x[$symlink) , ] # ignore local filesystem symlinks
x <- x[x$variant == "default", ] # ignore "freethreaded"
x <- x[x$implementation == "cpython", ] # ignore "pypy"

x$is_prerelease <- x$version != paste(x$version_parts$major,
sep = ".")
# x <- x[!x$is_prerelease, ] # ignore versions like "3.14.0a5"

# x$path is local file path, NA if not downloaded yet.
# x$url is populated if not downloaded yet.
is_uv_downloadable <- !$url)
is_uv_downloaded <- grepl(
normalizePath(x$path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE),
fixed = TRUE
x$is_uv_python <- is_uv_downloadable | is_uv_downloaded

# order first to easily resolve the latest preferred patch for each minor version
x <- x[order(
decreasing = TRUE
), ]

# Order so the latest patch level for each minor version appears first,
# prioritizing two versions behind the latest minor release.
# Sort by the distance of the minor version from the preferred minor version,
# breaking ties in favor of older minor versions.
latest_minor <- max(x$version_parts$minor[!x$is_prerelease])
preferred_minor <- latest_minor - 2L
x$is_latest_patch <- !duplicated(x$version_parts[c("major", "minor")])

x <- x[order(
-abs(x$version_parts$minor - preferred_minor) +
(-0.5 * (x$version_parts$minor > preferred_minor)),
x$version_parts$major == 3L,
decreasing = TRUE
), ]

xv <- numeric_version(x, strict = FALSE)
latest_minor_patch <- !duplicated(xv[, -3L]) & !
x <- x[order(latest_minor_patch, xv, decreasing = TRUE)]

Expand All @@ -837,7 +909,7 @@ uv_exec <- function(args, ...) {
if (isTRUE(attr(uv, "reticulate-managed", TRUE)))
UV_CACHE_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "cache"),
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_cache_dir("uv", "python")
UV_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = reticulate_data_dir("uv", "python")

Expand All @@ -849,32 +921,23 @@ resolve_python_version <- function(constraints = NULL, uv = uv_binary()) {
constraints <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(constraints, ",", fixed = TRUE)))
constraints <- constraints[nzchar(constraints)]

if (length(constraints) == 0) {
return(as.character(uv_python_list()[3L])) # default

# reflect a direct version specification like "3.11" or "3.14.0a3"
if (length(constraints) == 1 && !substr(constraints, 1, 1) %in% c("=", ">", "<", "!")) {

# We perform custom constraint resolution to prefer slightly older Python releases.
# uv tends to select the latest version, which often lack package support
# See:

# Get latest patch for each minor version
candidates <- uv_python_list(uv)
# E.g., candidates might be:
# c("3.13.1", "3.12.8", "3.11.11", "3.10.16", "3.9.21", "3.8.20")
# c("3.13.1", "3.12.8", "3.11.11", "3.10.16", "3.9.21", "3.8.20" , ...)
all_candidates <- candidates <- uv_python_list(uv)$version

# Reorder candidates to prefer stable versions over bleeding edge
ord <- as.integer(c(3, 4, 2, 5, 1))
ord <- union(ord, seq_along(candidates))
candidates <- candidates[ord]
if (length(constraints) == 0L) {
return(as.character(candidates[1L])) # default

# Maybe add non-latest patch levels to candidates if they're explicitly
# mentioned in constraints
append(candidates) <- sub("^[<>=!]{1,2}", "", constraints)
# reflect a direct version specification like "3.14.0a3"
if (length(constraints) == 1L && constraints %in% candidates) {

candidates <- numeric_version(candidates, strict = FALSE)
candidates <- candidates[!]
Expand All @@ -889,6 +952,7 @@ resolve_python_version <- function(constraints = NULL, uv = uv_binary()) {
msg <- paste0(
'Requested Python version constraints could not be satisfied.\n',
' constraints: "', constraints, '"\n',
'Available Python versions found: ', paste0(all_candidates, collapse = ", "), "\n",
'Hint: Call `py_require(python_version = <string>, action = "set")` to replace constraints.'
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/utils.R
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Expand Up @@ -691,6 +691,15 @@ reticulate_cache_dir <- function(...) {

reticulate_data_dir <- function(...) {
root <- if (getRversion() > "4.0") {
tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "data")
} else {
path.expand(user_data_dir("r-reticulate", NULL))

normalizePath(file.path(root, ...), mustWork = FALSE)

user_data_dir <- function(...) {
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions R/virtualenv.R
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Expand Up @@ -683,23 +683,26 @@ as_version_constraint_checkers <- function(version) {
version <- unlist(strsplit(version, ",", fixed = TRUE))

# given string like ">=3.8", match two groups, on ">=" and "3.8"
pattern <- "^([><=!]{0,2})\\s*([0-9.]*)"
pattern <- "^([><=!]{0,2})\\s*([0-9.a-zA-Z]*)"

op <- sub(pattern, "\\1", version)
op[op == ""] <- "=="

ver <- sub(pattern, "\\2", version)
ver <- numeric_version(ver)
ver_string <- sub(pattern, "\\2", version)
ver <- numeric_version(ver_string, strict = FALSE)

.mapply(function(op, ver) {
.mapply(function(op, ver, ver_string) {
op <- as.symbol(op)

# return a "checker" function that takes a vector of versions and returns
# a logical vector of if the version satisfies the constraint.
rlang::zap_srcref(eval(bquote(function(x) {
op <- .(op)
ver <- .(ver)
if (
return(.(ver_string) %in% as.character(x))
x <- numeric_version(x)
# if the constraint version is missing minor or patch level, set
# to 0, so we can match on all, equivalent to pip style syntax like '3.8.*'
Expand All @@ -710,7 +713,7 @@ as_version_constraint_checkers <- function(version) {
op(x, ver)
}, list(op, ver), NULL)
}, list(op, ver, ver_string), NULL)

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18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions man/py_require.Rd

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