Lifesaving Rankings tracks results for lifesaving pool competitions
Relies on lifesavingrankings-parser to get the data.
Lifesaving Rankings has two main parts: rankings and analysis
Rankings is the representation of the database in understandable and browsable format. Users can view competitions, events or athletes with their associated results.
In Analysis users can create groups of athletes. These groups get analysed on two fronts: individual and relay analysis. In individual analysis the personal bests of each athlete are compared a set time, which is usually the 16th time of the previous World Championships. In relay analysis all possible combinations of 6 (maximum team size on world/european championships) are generated. For each of this generated team, every possible combination and the total time on the relays is calculated and recorded. These times are added up for each possible team and possible teams are ordered on this added up times
This project uses Pipenv, make sure you have it installed.
- Create a Postgresql database
- Execute
in your database - Copy
- Edit the environment variables to your situation
- Run
pipenv install
- Run
pipenv shell
- Run
npm install
- Run
gulp build
- Run
python migrate
- Run
python loaddata rankings
- Run
python runserver
To create a new superuser for /admin
run: python createsuperuser
zappa update production
zappa manage production "collectstatic --noinput"