Buck is a build tool. To see what Buck can do for you, check out the documentation at http://buckbuild.com/.
First, clone the Buck repository:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/facebook/buck.git
cd buck
Since Buck is used to build Buck, the initial build process involves 2 phases:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/facebook/buck.git
cd buck
./bin/buck build --show-output buck
# output will contain something like
# //programs:buck buck-out/gen/programs/buck.pex
buck-out/gen/programs/buck.pex --help
Pre-built binaries of buck for any buck sha
can be downloaded from https://jitpack.io/com/github/facebook/buck/<sha>/buck-<sha>.pex
. The very first time a version of buck is requested, it is built via jitpack. As a result, it could take a few minutes for this initial binary to become available. Every subsequent request will just serve the built artifact directly. This functionality is available for any fork of buck as well, so you can fetch https://jitpack.io/com/github/<github-user-or-org>/buck/<sha>/buck-<sha>.pex
Apache License 2.0