- 🍎 AppStorify: Find non-Mac App Store apps and storify it
- 📚 Look Scanned: Make your PDF look scanned
- 📦 InBrowser.App: A project to build web apps that fully run in the browser without backend servers
- 📚 caj2pdf-go: A Go port for caj2pdf/caj2pdf
- 🛜 tplink-ac-clients: 对 TP-Link AC 无线控制器的客户端列表的再包装
- 🐳 docker-zerotier-moon: Dockerized ZeroTier moon
- ☁ get-cloudflare-location: A JavaScript function to get user's location based on Cloudflare
- 📦 get-npm-file: Get NPM file from various CDNs simultaneously
- 📦 workbox-mirror-precache-plugin: A workbox plugin that fetch precache files from various mirrors
- 📦 workbox-add-integrity: A workbox plugin that add integrity to workbox precache manifest
- 🔐 otpauth-migration: Convert between otpauth-migration and otpauth in JavaScript
- 🔥 hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter: An adapter for using Hono with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute 3.0
- 👷 browser-web-worker: Run Web Workers in Node.js using a real Chrome browser via Puppeteer
- 📦 mupdf-aws-lambda-layer: MuPDF CLI tools packaged as an AWS Lambda Layer
- 🎮 chinese-dos-games: Chinese DOS games collection
- ⚡ flash-archive-project: Chinese good old days' Adobe Flash
- 🦁️ Rising-KaKa: 瑞星小狮子卡卡