This a forked project that I used in my master thesis. The rotation controller was implemented using a backstepping based controller. Only the rotation controller is active, the other controllers services were disabled. A simulation service was added for software-in-the-loop simulations.
PenguPilot is a GNU/Linux based Multi-Rotor UAV Autopilot.
Unlike other platforms, PenguPilot does not require a dedicated low-level microcontroller for real-time
- sensor data acquisition,
- data fusion / filtering, and
- motor control.
The whole flight infrastructure is based on Linux (PREEMPT/PREEMPT_RT) user-space tasks.
Some highlights of the PenguPilot software are:
- component based software architecture allows to run code on demand (power savings in standby)
- memory protection among critical and non-critical components
- message-passing among components via ZeroMQ/MessagePack/Protobuf
- process/priority management and dependency tracking
- online parameter configuration usable for in-flight parameter updates
- SSH based user interfaces for parameters, calibration, ...
- blackbox functionality to log sensor values at each control step to sdcard
- sensor data replay capabilitiy for offline PC-based optimization, filter tuning, ...
- quick integration of new hardware through Linux HAL
- platform-neutral code without low-level interrupt and timer programming
The three main factors that make PenguPilot based systems different, compared to microcontroller-based autopilots, are the
- Linux operating system, the
- powerful underlying computer-on-module (COM), and
- PenguPilot's component-based software architecture.
These factors generate a lot of possibilities and benefits for UAV software development, summarized as follows:
Powerful Hardware and OS:
- no microcontroller-like flash/RAM memory restrictions
- high memory bandwidth allows to log every sensor value per control step
- memory protection for improved task safety
- USB host support (Cameras, WiFi and UMTS sticks, FTDI's, ...)
- symmetric multi-processing (e.g. ODROID U3)
Advanced Programming Possibilities:
- high-level programming languages and libraries (Bash, Python/numpy)
- rich networking and routing functionality
- file system abstractions instead of raw memory access
- debugging via GDB and code profiling without extra effort
- myriads of open source device drivers and software libraries
Advanced Field Software Development:
- software development on the UAV via SSH from virtually any device
- native source code compilation (no cross-compiler required)
- on-device software version control via Git
Flight Infrastructure:
- autopilot: automatic flight code with/without remote control based safery
- i2c_sensors: ready gyro, acc, mag, baro, and ultrasonic sensors
- gyro_cal: gyroscope calibration
- acc_cal: accelerometer calibration
- mag_adc_cal: magnetometer calibration
- cmc: current magnetometer calibration
- rs_ctrl: rotation speed control for stabilizing the UAV
- rp_ctrl: rotation position control
- vs_ctrl: vertical speed control using barometer
- vp_ctrl: vertical position control using barometer/ultrasonic/elevation map
- hs_ctrl: horizontal speed control
- hp_ctrl: horizontal position control
- battmon: battery monitor; warns the user when the battery is low
- gpsp: gps publisher, similar to gpsd but much simpler; uses NMEALib
- remote: remote control channels publisher
- rc_cal: remote control channel calibration service
- geomag: subscribes to gps position and date/time; publishes magnetic declination in degrees
- elevmap: subscribes to gps position; publishes SRTM3 elevation data
- ads1x15: Raspberry PI I2C ADC voltage/current publisher
- arduino: ODROID U3 Arduino R/C, ADC voltage/current publisher; reads from ttySAC0
- twl4030_madc: Gumstix Overo ADC voltage/current publisher
Support Infrastructure:
- gpstime: GPS time zone / date / time setting service
- config: configuration files
- scl: signaling and communication link (IPC framework), see config/system.yaml
- opcd: online parameter configuration daemon, see config/params.yaml
- svctrl: service management and control utility, see config/services.yaml
- logger: logging services and utility programs
- shared: shared libraries shared among all PenguPilot components
Additional Features:
- aircomm: encrypted aerial communication daemon, using NRF24L01+
- display: shows battery, mem, cpu, satellite status via I2C SSD1307 128x64 display from Adafruit
- wifi_sensor: publishes wireless network data acquired via iwlist
- wifi_loc: combines gps measurements and wifi scan results and publishes it
Build System and Environment:
- site_scons: related to build system
- SConstruct: scons build file
- scripts: various scripts, e.g. bashrc
Software Dependencies:
- Gentoo: app-admin/sudo app-misc/screen dev-lang/python dev-lang/swig dev-libs/glib dev-libs/libyaml dev-libs/msgpack dev-libs/protobuf dev-libs/protobuf-c dev-python/imaging dev-python/msgpack dev-python/numpy dev-python/psutil dev-python/python-daemon dev-python/pyyaml dev-python/pyzmq dev-util/scons sys-power/cpufrequtils dev-python/pyproj sci-libs/gdal
- Ubuntu: realpath scons swig python-msgpack protobuf-compiler python-protobuf libmsgpack-dev libprotobuf-dev python-yaml protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-c0-dev libzmq-dev python-zmq libyaml-dev libglib2.0-dev python-daemon python-dev
The service dependencies of PenguPilot are depicted in the figure below:
Services indicated in yellow are platform-specific, as specified in file config/services.yaml.
Here's an example of a Gumstix Overo Air based PenguCopter with GPS receiver and I2C OLED display: