This repository, as well as others listed on the Valve Developer Wiki, contains fixes and features that have yet to be, or were refused, merging into Valve's official repository.
Pull requests or code change suggestions on the official repository may be refused for a number of reasons. Joe Ludwig (one of the maintainers of Valve's repo) has stated in numerous issues:
The ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013 repository is a view of the state of the Orange Box source code on Valve's internal servers. For changes that don't have to do with the deployment of the SDK itself, we suggest that you propose this pull request to one of the community-maintained repositories [such as this one]
In this repository, I shall personally merge pull requests which fix bugs or add worthwhile features (i.e., do not bloat).
In reverse chronological order:
2013/08/05, Bug fix: Custom URL handlers for the vgui::HTML panel now pass the URL and protocol
Awaiting Valve response on pull request. Added in commit c6ad567
2013/08/05, Bug fix: VBSP now checks all search path for FGD files when using func_instance
Awaiting Valve response on pull request. Added in commit c6ad567
2013/08/05, New feature: Added auto-complete to "give" ConCommand
Valve rejected pull request. Added in commit 19da23d
2013/08/05, New feature: Print chat messages to console in color
Valve rejected pull request. Added in commit 45b370b