Google Calendar Sync
- User will be able to sync google's primary calendar of selected account.
- User can create and updates the records, from google to erp and Vice Versa.
###Depends on
- frappe (To install: bench page )
- python module: oauth2client, gdata, google-api-python-client, keyring
###Installation Note: Compatible with frappe 5 and above.
- bench get-app gcal https://github.com/indictranstech/GCAL.git
- bench install-app gcal
or install from frappe desk installer. - bench migrate
###Configuration Steps
####Enable the Google Calendar API 
Set redirect uri as, {Your Server Url}/api/method/gcal.gcal_sync.doctype.sync_configuration.sync_configuration.get_credentials
JavaScript origins : {Your Server Url}
More on google developer console, Google Developer Console
####Setup Google Calendar API credentials
Goto GCal Sync > GCal Secret : Set Client Id and Client Secret
####Setup individual profile
- Login with own frappe user credentials
- Goto, Gcal Sync > Sync Configuration List > Create New Record.