Project for builiing Agent Flow with Knowledge Graphs on MAC M4 Pro (and some API stuff)
NOTE Most of the inspiration for this project came from here ( and some of the code related to GraphAgent were taken from there - but updated for my needs.
QUES: How to route my HuggingFace InferenceClient inference to the MLHQ org acount rather than my own?
- Huggingface InferenceClient does not support local execution
- Therefore I could either create an account and use their infra or
- I could build my own wrapper for the support.
^^^ For now, I am going with the first option
For this specific project, I think I can forgo the requirement of OpenAI-API chat completion capatibility. As long as I know the prompt, I can simply push that into the locally hosted LLM via HugginFace Pipelines.
So far my general costs are:
- M4 Max 128G → 5k
- HF Entrprise → 216 (billed yearly at 18 a month )
- Claude Pro → 20 bucks a month
- OpenAI Businsess → 600 for a year.