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Merge pull request #99 from behrica/lazyRDefs
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Lazy r defs
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genmeblog authored Jan 15, 2025
2 parents 625822f + ebfe240 commit 924dba2
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Showing 8 changed files with 318 additions and 67 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ pom.xml.asc
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of [](

## unreleased

- added more operators `%/%`, `%%` ,`%in%`, `xor`
- use devcontainer setup following template

## [1.0.0]
- `require-r` creates namespace as `r.namespace`, also `namespace` as an alias
- dependencies update, TMD 7.029
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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:extra-deps {org.scicloj/clay {:mvn/version "2-beta16"}
io.github.nextjournal/clerk {:mvn/version "0.7.418"}}}
:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
:extra-deps {org.scicloj/clay {:mvn/version "2-beta8"}
{:git/tag "v0.5.0" :git/sha "b3fd0d2"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]
:jvm-opts ["-Djava.awt.headless=true" ]
:exec-fn cognitect.test-runner.api/test}}}
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url ""}
:plugins [[lein-tools-deps "0.4.5"]]
:test-paths ["notebooks"]
:test-paths ["test","notebooks"]
:middleware [lein-tools-deps.plugin/resolve-dependencies-with-deps-edn]
;; :repositories {"bedatadriven" {:url ""}}
:lein-tools-deps/config {:config-files [:install :user :project]}
:profiles {
:test {:dependencies [[org.scicloj/clay "2-beta8"]]}}

:jvm-opts [""])
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions src/clojisr/v1/applications/plotting.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,53 +11,57 @@
[java.awt.image BufferedImage]
[javax.swing ImageIcon]))

(require-r '[grDevices])

(def files->fns (atom (let [devices (select-keys (ns-publics 'r.grDevices) '[pdf png svg jpeg tiff bmp])]
(if-let [jpg (get devices 'jpeg)]
(let [devices (assoc devices 'jpg jpg)]
(if (-> '(%in% "svglite" (rownames (installed.packages))) ;; check if svglite is available
(assoc devices 'svg (rsymbol "svglite" "svglite"))
(do (log/warn [::plotting {:messaage "We highly recommend installing of `svglite` package."}])

(def files->fns (delay
(atom (let [_ (require-r '[grDevices])
devices (select-keys (ns-publics 'r.grDevices) '[pdf png svg jpeg tiff bmp])]
(if-let [jpg (get devices 'jpeg)]
(let [devices (assoc devices 'jpg jpg)]
(if (-> '(%in% "svglite" (rownames (installed.packages))) ;; check if svglite is available
(assoc devices 'svg (rsymbol "svglite" "svglite"))
(do (log/warn [::plotting {:messaage "We highly recommend installing of `svglite` package."}])

(defn use-svg!
"Use from now on build-in svg device for plotting svg."
(swap! files->fns assoc 'svg (get (ns-publics 'r.grDevices) 'svg)))
(swap! @files->fns assoc 'svg (get (ns-publics 'r.grDevices) 'svg)))

(defn use-svglite!
"Use from now on svglite device for plotting svg.
Requires package `svglite` to be installed"
(swap! files->fns assoc 'svg (rsymbol "svglite" "svglite")))
(swap! @files->fns assoc 'svg (rsymbol "svglite" "svglite")))

(def ^:private r-print (r "print")) ;; avoid importing `base` here

(defn plot->file
[^String filename plotting-function-or-object & device-params]
(let [apath (.getAbsolutePath (File. filename))
(let [r-print (delay (r "print"))
apath (.getAbsolutePath (File. filename))
extension (symbol (or (second (re-find #"\.(\w+)$" apath)) :no))
device (@files->fns extension)]
(if-not (contains? @files->fns extension)
device (@@files->fns extension)]
(if-not (contains? @@files->fns extension)
(log/warn [::plot->file {:message (format "%s filetype is not supported!" (name extension))}])
(make-parents filename)
(apply device :filename apath device-params)
(let [the-plot-robject (try
(if (instance? RObject plotting-function-or-object)
(r-print plotting-function-or-object)
(@r-print plotting-function-or-object)
(catch Exception e
(log/warn [::plot->file {:message "Evaluation plotting function failed."
:exception (exception-cause e)}]))
(finally (r.grDevices/dev-off)))]
(finally (r "")))]
(log/debug [[::plot->file {:message (format "File %s saved." apath)}]])
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (throw e))
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202 changes: 159 additions & 43 deletions src/clojisr/v1/r.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[ :as java2clj]
[clojisr.v1.impl.clj-to-java :as clj2java]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojisr.v1.util :refer [bracket-data maybe-wrap-backtick]]
[clojisr.v1.util :refer [maybe-wrap-backtick]]
[clojisr.v1.require :refer [require-r-package]]
[clojisr.v1.engines :refer [engines]])
(:import clojisr.v1.robject.RObject))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,40 +124,25 @@
(r (format fmt n (name package)))
(intern *ns* ns (r ns)))))

(def r== (r "`==`"))
(def r!= (r "`!=`"))
(def r< (r "`<`"))
(def r> (r "`>`"))
(def r<= (r "`<=`"))
(def r>= (r "`>=`"))
(def r& (r "`&`"))
(def r&& (r "`&&`"))
(def r| (r "`||`"))
(def r|| (r "`||`"))
(def r! (r "`!`"))
(def r$ (r "`$`"))

(def captured-str
"For the R function [str](, we capture the standard output and return the corresponding string."
(r "function(x) capture.output(str(x))"))

(def println-captured-str (comp println-r-lines captured-str))

(def str-md (comp r-lines->md captured-str))

(def r** (r "`^`"))
(def rdiv (r "`/`"))
(def r- (r "`-`"))
(defn r* [& args] (reduce (r "`*`") args))
(defn r+
"The plus operator is a binary one, and we want to use it on an arbitraty number of arguments."
[& args]
(reduce (r "`+`") args))

;; Some special characters will get a name in letters.
(def colon (r "`:`"))
(defn- captured-str []
"For the R function [str](, we capture the standard output and return the corresponding string."
(r "function(x) capture.output(str(x))") )

(defn println-captured-str[x]

(defn str-md [x]


(defmacro defr
"Create Clojure and R bindings at the same time"
Expand All @@ -174,7 +159,7 @@
([package string-or-symbol]
(r (str (maybe-wrap-backtick package) "::" (maybe-wrap-backtick string-or-symbol)))))

;; brackets!

;; FIXME! Waiting for session management.
(defn- prepare-args-for-bra
Expand All @@ -185,16 +170,8 @@
(prepare-args-for-bra pars)
(conj (prepare-args-for-bra (butlast pars)) (last pars)))))

(defmacro ^:private make-bras
`(do ~@(for [[bra-sym-name [bra-str all?]] bracket-data
:let [bra-sym (symbol bra-sym-name)]]
`(let [bra# (r ~bra-str)]
(defn ~bra-sym [& pars#]
(let [fixed# (prepare-args-for-bra pars# ~all?)]
(apply bra# fixed#)))))))


;; register shutdown hook
;; should be called once
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,3 +199,142 @@
"Prints help for an R object or function"
([r-object] (println (help r-object)))
([function package] (println (help function package))))

;; arithmetic operators
(defn r-
"R arithmetic operator `-`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`-`") e1 e2))

(defn rdiv
"R arithmetic operator `/`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`/`") e1 e2))

(defn r*
"R arithmetic operator `*`, but can be used on an arbitraty number of arguments."
[& args]
(reduce (r "`*`") args))

(defn r+
"R arithmetic operator `+`, but can be used on an arbitraty number of arguments."
[& args]
(reduce (r "`+`") args))

(defn r**
"R arithmetic operator `^`"
[e1 e2]
((r "`^`") e1 e2))

(defn r%div%
"R arithmetic operator `%/%`"
[e1 e2]
((r "`%/%`") e1 e2))

(defn r%%
"R arithmetic operator `%%`"
[e1 e2]
((r "`%%`") e1 e2))

;; relational operators
(defn r==
"R relational operator `==`"
[e1 e2] ( (r "`==`") e1 e2))

(defn r!=
"R relational operator `=!`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`!=`") e1 e2))

(defn r<
"R relational operator `<`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`<`") e1 e2))

(defn r>
"R relational operator `>`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`>`") e1 e2))

(defn r<=
"R relational operator `<=`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`<=`") e1 e2))

(defn r>=
"R relational operator `>=`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`>=`") e1 e2))

;; logical operators
(defn r&
"R logical operator `&`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`&`") e1 e2))

(defn r&&
"R logical operator `&&`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`&&`") e1 e2))

(defn r|
"R logical operator `|`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`|`") e1 e2))

(defn r||
"R logical operator `||`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`||`") e1 e2))

(defn r!
"R logical operator `!`"
[e] ((r "`!`") e))

(defn rxor
"R logical operator `xor`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`xor`") e1 e2))

;; colon operators
(defn colon
"R colon operator `:`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`:`") e1 e2))
(defn rcolon
"R colon operator `:`"
[e1 e2] (colon e1 e2))

;; extract/replace operators
(defn r$
"R extract operator `$`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`$`") e1 e2))

(defn r%in%
"R match operator `%in%`"
[e1 e2] ((r "`%in%`") e1 e2))

(defn bra
"R extract operator `[`"
[& pars]
[bra (clojisr.v1.r/r "`[`")
fixed (prepare-args-for-bra pars true)]
(clojure.core/apply bra fixed)))

(defn brabra
"R extract operator `[[`"
[& pars]
[bra (clojisr.v1.r/r "`[[`")
fixed (prepare-args-for-bra pars true)]
(clojure.core/apply bra fixed)))

(defn bra<-
"R replace operator `[<-`"
[& pars]
[bra (clojisr.v1.r/r "`[<-`")
fixed (prepare-args-for-bra pars false)]
(clojure.core/apply bra fixed)))

(defn brabra<-
"R replace operator `[[<-`"
[& pars]
[bra (clojisr.v1.r/r "`[[<-`")
fixed (prepare-args-for-bra pars false)]
(clojure.core/apply bra fixed)))

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions test/clojisr/v1/applications/plotting_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
(ns clojisr.v1.applications.plotting-test
(:require [clojisr.v1.applications.plotting :as plot]
[clojisr.v1.r :as r]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojisr.v1.applications.plotting :refer [plot->svg plot->file plot->buffered-image]]
[clojure.test :refer [is deftest]]))

(r/require-r '[graphics :refer [plot hist]])

(deftest plot-svg
(let [svg
(fn []
(->> rand
(repeatedly 30)
(reductions +)
(plot :xlab "t"
:ylab "y"
:type "l"))))]

(is ( true?
"M 3.8125 -7.96875 C 3.207031 -7.96875 2.75 -7.664062 2.4375 -7.0625")))))


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